ARRESTED IN MIDDLE EAST: Prison Was a Mission Field
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ARRESTED IN MIDDLE EAST: Prison Was a Mission Field
24 MIN

Brother Nathan had a ministry sharing the gospel and praying with Muslims in the Middle East. He and other believers had been evangelizing for more than eight years. The responses were almost completely positive. Then, as he was ministering with two others last year, they ran into a very different response. Nathan and his two friends found themselves in a police office, their hands behind their backs, facing a serious charge of “heralding Christianity.”

Nathan’s missionary journey started long before his arrest. At 19, Nathan joined YWAM to experience short-term mission work after deciding to give his entire life to be used by the Lord—wherever He asked Nathan to go. Nathan will share how Peter’s choice to step out of the boat on the water with Jesus inspired him to be all in with Christ. As a young man and zealous missionary, Nathan didn’t think much about the risk of Christian persecution—until it happened.

Nathan will share advice and encouragement to future missionaries and describe his missionary work each day in the Middle East. “Muslims are hungry for prayer,” Nathan shares. “They are real people with real issues who long for prayer.” Nathan had many opportunities to pray healing over Muslims and see the Lord at work.

Listen as he tells the story of his arrest and what he felt when as he realized he could be facing years in prison. Nathan will also share how the Lord relieved fear and anxiety when they took their prison bread and the water and turned it into a remembrance of Christ’s suffering. Since they didn’t have a Bible, the scripture they knew in their heart was all they had to hold onto during their worship and prayers to the Lord in prison.

Join us next week to hear more of Nathan’s experience in prison and how it became their mission field for Christ!

The VOM App for your smartphone or tablet will help you pray daily for persecuted Christians in Syria, North Korea, Iran, China and other nations throughout the year, as well as giving free access to e-books, audio books, video content and feature films. Download the VOM App for your iOS or Android device today.

Today’s VOM
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Previous Episodes

  • Learning From Persecuted Christians: “Is Jesus for the tough places?”

    Nik and Ruth Ripken went to Africa as missionaries. They experienced great works of God, but also great hardship and loss. Malaria almost killed them. Four Christian friends in Somalia were killed in one day. Their 16-year-old son died suddenly. 

    Out of their wrestling with grief and loss God gave them a new mission: meet with persecuted Christians all over the world and learn from them. For Nik, it was a very personal quest.

    “I don’t know if Jesus is trustworthy anymore. Somali believers are dead. Our son is dead. Our dreams are dead. And we want to know, Is Jesus for the tough places?

    Out of their quest Nik Ripken Ministries was born. Nik shared the lessons persecuted Christians had taught him in a book, The Insanity of God. The book eventually became a film, released shortly after this interview was recorded.

    Today, Nik and Ruth host their own podcast, Witness & Persecution, and have recently launched a video-based group study, Insanity Unleashed.

    Listen as Nik and Ruth share their stories of God calling them to missions from very different backgrounds, and the hardship and loss they experienced on the field in Africa as missionaries.

    The VOM App for your smartphone or tablet will help you pray daily for persecuted Christians in Syria, North Korea, Iran, China and other nations throughout the year, as well as giving free access to e-books, audio books, video content and feature films. Download the VOM App for your iOS or Android device today.

    28 MIN
  • OM President: Who Am I to Stop Missionaries From Going To Hard Places?

    Andrew Ginsberg has been the president of Operation Mobilization USA for the last six months, stepping into the role and following in the footsteps of George Verwer, founder of OM (and past VOM Radio guest). Coming from a Jewish upbringing, Andrew tells the story of the nine-year path that led him to following Jesus—and then his eventual route into full-time ministry.

    Andrew shares three things the Lord taught him in the 18 months before he took over the presidency of OM-USA, preparing him to lead OM through this season. He also talks about the weight of leadership when sending gospel workers to places where their lives are at risk due to Christian persecution. Andrew is reminded that it’s his job to inform, not to stop people from being a witness for Christ.

    “It’s very easy to give up control, hold my hands up, and let the Lord do the work,” Andrew says, “The gospel moves in our presence but not because of our presence.”

    Andrew will also share the story of one witness in Sudan, and how OM-USA is using social media to reach individuals willing to be disciple-makers. His greatest joy is to see others called to go and spread the gospel to the unreached parts of the world.

    Pray that the Lord would call more laborers into the harvest and that the gospel wildfire would continue to spread in closed nations.

    OM co-founder Dale Rhoton has also been a guest on VOM Radio.

    The VOM App for your smartphone or tablet will help you pray daily for persecuted Christians in Syria, North Korea, Iran, China and other nations throughout the year, as well as giving free access to e-books, audio books, video content and feature films. Download the VOM App for your iOS or Android device today.

    24 MIN
  • SYRIA: What’s Happening with Christians Under New Regime?

    Do you believe the Lord brought them to us so they can hear the gospel?”

    The question was asked by a pastor in Aleppo, the war-torn city in Syria. Members of the Islamist group that would soon control the country were standing in front of his home, machine guns in hand.

    “That’s a Kingdom-minded church!” says John Samara, a Christian from Syria and the founder and leader of Ananias House, a ministry reaching people with the love of Christ in Syria, the Middle East and North Africa.

    Samara has seen God answer prayers for revival during the last 12 years of civil war in Syria. Yet he also sees more Christian persecution coming as more Muslims come to know Jesus—and as the new regime in Syria tightens it’s control over the country.

    While the new government—which overthrew the longstanding Assad regime late last year—publicly says they want more religious freedom and will make a place for religious minority groups, what’s happening on the ground isn’t matching their lofty words.

    Were looking at potential genocide against Christians in Syria,” says John. The new government grew out of a group that formerly claimed allegiance to Al Qaeda and ISIS.

    John will also discuss his new book, The Victors Crown of Glory, living as a persecuted Christian in the Middle East, and seeing his father deal courageously with constant interrogation and interference from the secret police. Order a copy of John's book today to read amazing stories of God at work and learn how the Spirit of God speaks through us, even in times of great fear!

    John spoke during The Voice of the Martyrs’ I AM N Virtual Event. You can still access this powerful event online to hear stories of faith and courage in the shadow of radical Islam. Pray for our Christian brothers and sisters in Syria to stand firm in their faith amidst rising Christian persecution.

    The VOM App for your smartphone or tablet will help you pray daily for persecuted Christians in Syria, North Korea, Iran, China and other nations throughout the year, as well as giving free access to e-books, audio books, video content and feature films. Download the VOM App for your iOS or Android device today.

    31 MIN
  • TÜRKIYE: Foreign Christians Being Forced Out

    Dozens of foreign Christians have been quietly forced out of Türkiye in recent years.

    After moving his family to Türkiye (formerly Turkey) in 2001, Jerry Mattix served in aid ministry and as a pastor. Last month he was told he is no longer allowed to enter the country—even for short visits.

    Jerry and his wife grew up in missionary families with hearts for missions. During his first semester in Bible school, God grabbed Jerry’s heart for the Kurdish people in Türkiye, one of the largest unreached people groups in the world.

    Listen to hear how Jerry and his wife started ministry together in Türkiye, and the story of Jerry’s first expulsion from the country in 2013, when he was labeled a “threat to national security.” Türkiye was founded as a secular republic, but in recent years government leaders have grown more open about favoring Islam. Jerry fought his first expulsion in court, and judges ruled in his favor, allowing him to reenter the country in 2016—but not to live there. Jerry and his family planted new roots in North Cyprus. They have seen the Lord’s hand at work despite their family’s upheaval.

    Following the massive earthquake on February 6th, 2023, Jerry made repeated trips to Türkiye to partner with local pastors and lead international Christians in to serve in relief work.

    Listen as Jerry explains the government’s decision to remove foreign Christians from Türkiye and hear how the local church has “grown legs” to carry forward the ministry as foreign workers are being forced out of the country. “We’re not praying for peace and prosperity, or for Christian persecution;” Jerry says, “We are praying for the kingdom of Christ to grow and thrive—whatever it takes.”

    Pray for Jerry and other foreign Christians who have been kicked out of Türkiye and for believers in Türkiye to continue in the ministry God has called them to. Listen to more stories from Türkiye on VOM Radio with Joy Subasiguller, Andrew Brunson, and David Byle.

    The VOM App for your smartphone or tablet will help you pray daily for persecuted Christians throughout the year, as well as giving free access to e-books, audio books, video content and feature films. Download the VOM App for your iOS or Android device today.

    24 MIN


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