OM President: Who Am I to Stop Missionaries From Going To Hard Places?
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2020: “The Most Exciting Days”
24 MIN

Jonathan Ekman is VOM’s vice president for international ministry, overseeing VOM’s work to serve and stand with persecuted Christians in the 70+ countries where they are persecuted. This week he’ll help us look ahead to 2020 and equip us to pray for persecuted Christians—and for VOM workers who directly serve them—in the New Year.

Jonathan will talk about persecution response, including specific examples of what VOM’s work looks like and how it is carried out inside hostile and restricted nations. He’ll talk about specific places where the need for VOM’s work is increasing, including India, China and Iran. He’ll also talk about how VOM’s staff members think about risk as they work in hostile and restricted nations—and what kind of people he’s looking for to join VOM’s international ministry team.

To help you pray effectively for persecuted Christians in 2020, request your free copy of VOM’s newly-released 2020 Global Prayer Guide.

Listen to Jonathan’s message—previously broadcast on VOM Radio—entitled “The Gospel Wildfire.”