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Elisabeth Elliot: A Woman Who Served God Well
19 MIN

Thousands of people—including many who never met her—considered Elisabeth Elliot (1926-2015) as their spiritual mentor. Kathy Reeg was one of those people. Today she is president of the Elisabeth Elliot Foundation, carrying on the legacy of Elisabeth and Jim Elliott.

Despite her fame in the Christian world, Kathy says Elisabeth always gave glory to God. She received thousands of letters from people seeking her advice; she responded to each one, directing each person to the Word of God and onto their knees in prayer.

Kathy first met Elisabeth in the 90s and later got to know Lars, Elisabeth’s third husband and manager. Suffering from dementia in the latter years of her life, Elisabeth lost her mode of communication yet never lost the presence of the Holy Spirit.

The night of Elisabeth’s funeral, in 2015, was the first time Kathy visited her and Lars’ home in Massachusetts. She was astounded by artifacts in their home from Elisabeth’s time serving and living among the “Aucas,” later known as the Waodani, the tribe that had murdered five missionary men, including her first husband, Jim, in 1956. Listen as Kathy shares about what happened that evening as a group of Elisabeth’s caregivers spent time in prayer.

A few years later, the Elisabeth Elliott Foundation began. Artifacts that had been in Lars and Elisabeth’s home were transferred into the care of Museum of the Bible in Washington DC. Earlier this year, an exhibit opened to the public at Museum of the Bible showcasing Elisabeth’s life and her time among the Waodani. Kathy hopes those who walk through the exhibit will be inspired by an ordinary woman who trusted and obeyed the Lord—no matter the cost.

The Voice of the Martyrs is one sponsor of Through Gates of Splendor: The Elisabeth Elliot Story at Museum of the Bible. The exhibit is open to the public until January 28th, 2024. You may also explore many of Elisabeth’s past speaking events, radio broadcasts, newsletters and more at the Elisabeth Elliot Foundation website.

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