OM President: Who Am I to Stop Missionaries From Going To Hard Places?
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IRAN: “I’m Going to Tell Everybody”
24 MIN

“Sister Nilufar” (not her real name) is ministering in the name of Jesus and sharing the gospel inside the Islamic Republic of Iran—a nation riven by protests and upheaval in recent weeks. It’s also a nation where Christians are persecuted by their government.

Listen as Nilufar tells the story of a young woman, Eldora, who became a follower of Christ—leaving behind a difficult life and becoming a bold witness among members of her family. God revealed the pain in her past and rescued her from a life of depression and addiction.

Eldora immediately began to bring friends and family members to meet the Savior who had rescued her life, and God revealed to Nilufar that He had significant plans for one of Eldora’s friends, Sara, like the Samaritan woman in John 4.

You’ll be encouraged and amazed as you hear stories of God working in miraculous ways inside Iran—inspiring Christians with specific ways to share the gospel and reach out to their countrymen.

VOM just issued a special report on current events and how they are affecting the church in Iran. Request your copy at