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Iran: “It’s Love that Preaches”
28 MIN
God is at work in Iran! Nazanin works in a call center for Mohabat TV, one of our VOM partners broadcasting the gospel into Iran and surrounding nations via satellite TV and internet. Each day Nazanin and her team take calls from inside Iran. Many are from Muslims who want to know more about Jesus and even commit their lives to following Him. Other callers are Muslims who want to argue against the Christian message or convert the call center workers back to Islam. Some are even threatening and angry. Listen as Nazanin shares the story of a policeman who picked up the phone in the home of a Christian he’d come to arrest—and how God used that phone call to plant the seeds of the gospel in his life! Nazanin will give American Christians advice on how to reach Muslims in our country, and specific ways that we can pray for God’s work in Iran. You’ll be inspired by what God is doing in Iran, this week on VOM Radio.