MIDDLE EAST: Leaders Arising Amidst Christian Persecution
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Making Waves With Radio: “We Want People to Hear About Jesus”
29 MIN

Working together, a Canadian with a vision, a businessman from Tampa, Florida, and tentmaking missionaries in Israel launched a ministry that today is making a gospel impact in more than 140 countries.

Listen this week as Tim Whitehead, Executive director for Galcom International in Canada, tells the story of how Galcom started in 1989 producing solar powered radios that could be locked into specific frequencies where listeners in a given location would hear Christian broadcasts. He’ll also share how Galcom has moved forward as technology advanced in the last 35 years—including helping launch more than 200 radio stations to provide gospel broadcast content in places where none previously had been available.

Galcom continues toward the goal of reaching remote villages across the world to share Jesus Christ with more and more people, especially among unreached people groups (UPGs). “When they receive these radios,” Tim says, “it shows them they are not forgotten.”

Listen for four barriers that can be overcome by gospel radio broadcasts, and how volunteers build thousands of radios each year for distribution all over the world. Tim will also share how Galcom and The Voice of the Martyrs started partnering together to serve Christians in Colombia and how that partnership expanded into West Africa and other parts of the globe.

Join us next week for a special episode sharing highlights of the past decade as September 2024 marks the ten-year anniversary of VOM Radio. Please share how you’ve been encouraged and inspired by the testimonies and stories of our persecuted Christian family on VOM Radio over the past 10 years.

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