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Middle East: “God Is Shaking Things Up”
28 MIN
“Brother James” works to reach Muslims and train believers to plant churches in the Middle East, a place where choosing to follow Christ comes with a high cost. This week he shares with us how God is shaking things up in that region—both inside the church and inside the hearts of Muslims—to spread the gospel and draw more Muslims to Christ. James will also share the challenges of his work, and how he and his Operation Mobilization coworkers identify those God is calling to the difficult, sometimes dangerous work of planting churches in that Islamic region. The Middle East is beset by bloodshed and hardship, but James tells us God is redeeming even evil activities in the region to advance His Kingdom. Be ready to add to your prayer list and to consider how you can reach out to Muslims in your city, this week on VOM Radio. Photo credit: “Librarian” by Michal Huniewicz is licensed under CC BY 2.0 https://www.flickr.com/photos/m1key-me/14764185168/