MISSIONS: Translating Training Tools to Strengthen Pastors and the Church
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Missions: “Are You Willing to Be Willing?”
28 MIN
“Bob” and “Kasey” were living the “American Dream.” Bob retired from a good job, but in retirement he began to experience what he calls a “Holy discontent.” He felt God calling him to lay everything on the altar. Bob and Kasey began to pray, committing themselves to do whatever God asked of them. Today they are ministering in Central Asia, training believers to dig deep into the Scripture and to reach more people for Christ. Yes, there have been sacrifices. But they say Jesus is worth every sacrifice they’ve made as they share the joy and excitement they are finding in serving Him and serving people in His name in Central Asia. Bob and Kasey challenge us to think about what God may be asking of us, and remind us that we’re never too old to make an impact for Christ’s Kingdom. Listen also to learn more about this year’s International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church and how you can get a free video to share with your church body to encourage them to pray for persecuted Christians around the world. https://secure.persecution.com/idop/default.aspx?source=VOMRADIONT