OM President: Who Am I to Stop Missionaries From Going To Hard Places?
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PETR JASEK: Imprisoned In Sudan
24 MIN
Petr Jasek, VOM’s Africa Regional Director, was visiting persecuted Christians in Sudan and assessing how VOM could best help believers there. But instead of flying home from the trip, he was detained at the airport in Khartoum. Listen as Petr shares highlights from his story, which is also told in the October issue—the 50th Anniversary Edition—of VOM’s free monthly newsletter. Listen as Petr shares about his first night in a jail cell, how God had uniquely prepared him with a dream and how he discovered that his cell mates were radical Muslim ISIS fighters. Hear how God used a Sudanese guard to save Petr’s life, and how God revealed that He had a purpose for Petr’s imprisonment, a purpose so great that Petr stopped praying for his release. Petr also shares how he learned to wait upon the Lord during 445 days in prison, and how he experienced God’s deepest peace in the times of his most intense persecution. To hear Petr share the entire story of his arrest, imprisonment and eventual release, click here.