“The Lord Protected Us in Libya. He Will Do It Again”
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Prayer and Forgiveness

January 5, 2018
Prayer and Forgiveness
24 MIN
Jim Dau served at VOM for 18 years, including in recent years as VOM’s President and CEO. Join VOM Radio this week to hear about Jim’s recent visit to persecuted Christians in Myanmar (Burma), including a family that faced intense persecution just days after coming to faith in Christ. Jim will also look back on some of the Christians that impacted him during his service at VOM, and some of the spiritual qualities he’s seen in these brothers and sisters that inspired his own faith. He’ll share how he prays for our persecuted family members, and how he and his wife, Peggy, have been intentional to share the stories of persecuted Christians with their grandchildren to inspire their commitment to Christ, using VOM resources like The Torchlighters and I Am N videos. If you live in the U.S. and do not receive VOM’s free monthly newsletter, sign up at persecution.com.