OM President: Who Am I to Stop Missionaries From Going To Hard Places?
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Storytelling Can’t Be Outlawed
24 MIN

God called Ruth to serve Him in missions in a nation in South Asia. She answered His call, but the government of that country told her she had to leave—and never come back! Listen to how she responded to this persecution, and how God worked to return her to Christian ministry in that country within 30 days!

“Peter” and “Ruth” are spreading the gospel through training people to memorize and share the Scriptures. The process enables new believers to quickly drive deep roots into the Bible and compels them to share gospel stories with those around them. The process also quickly crosses language barriers because it works even in languages where the Bible is still being translated. And it works for believers of all ages.

Hear an example of a Word by Heart, and see how even a one-minute story can drive discussion and lead people to spiritual truth.