ARRESTED IN MIDDLE EAST: Prison Was a Mission Field
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Todd Nettleton

Photo of Todd Nettleton

Todd Nettleton is Vice President of Message for The Voice of the Martyrs—USA and host of The Voice of the Martyrs Radio. His most recent book, When Faith Is Forbidden: 40 Days on the Frontlines with Persecuted Christians, was published in 2021 by Moody Publishers and won the Christian Book Award for 2022 in the category of Biography and Memoir. Todd serves as a voice for persecuted Christians, inspiring other followers of Christ through the examples of those living in more than 70 hostile and restricted nations where VOM works.

During his more than 25 years of service with VOM, Todd has traveled the world and conducted face-to-face interviews with hundreds of Christians who have suffered persecution in more than 40 nations. He has been interviewed more than 4,000 times by media outlets including CNN, the Associated Press, the Los Angeles Times, the BBC, Moody Broadcast Network, Christian Broadcasting Network, Newsweek, The Voice of America, Mission Network News and Trinity Broadcasting Network.

In 2014, VOM launched a weekly radio program and podcast, which Todd hosts and produces. Guests have included Christians persecuted for their faith as well as family members of Christians martyred for following Christ. In 2016, the show was named Radio Program of the Year by the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB). It airs weekly on more than 1,100 radio stations, and the podcast version has reached #1 on iTunes’ ”Religion and Spirituality“ chart. You can find a broadcast station carrying VOM Radio and listen to all episodes online at

Todd has served on the writing team for four VOM books, including Extreme Devotion and FOXE: Voices of the Martyrs. He has spoken at conferences and in churches throughout the United States about the faith of persecuted Christians.

In 2024, Todd received the William Ward Ayer Award, presented each year by the NRB to ”an individual NRB member with excellence and integrity for outstanding and significant contributions to the field of Christian communications.“

A former sportswriter, Todd is a graduate of Bartlesville Wesleyan College (now Oklahoma Wesleyan University) and has done postgraduate study at the University of Oklahoma. As a son of missionary parents, Todd grew up in both Papua New Guinea and southern California.

Todd and his wife, Charlotte, have two grown sons, two daughters-in-law and one grandchild, whom they welcomed to the family in 2022. In his spare time, Todd enjoys reading, music, travel and sports, in which he enthusiastically participates by serving as commissioner of a fantasy football league.