OM President: Who Am I to Stop Missionaries From Going To Hard Places?
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  • MALAYSIA: God Was Preparing Pastor Before His Abduction

    Pastor Raymond Koh was forcibly abducted on February 13th, 2017 in a military-style operation that took less than 40 seconds. Almost seven years later, he’s still missing. His car has never been located.

    Raymond’s wife, Susanna, has filed a lawsuit to force the Malaysian government and leaders of the police to release all information about what happened, and hopefully hold the kidnappers accountable for their actions.

    Listen this week to an interview with Susanna recorded two years after Raymond’s abduction. Hear how she found out her husband was missing, and how the police turned her missing person report into an opportunity to interrogate her about the Christian work and gospel outreach she and Raymond were involved in.

    Raymond had been threatened before for his faith and gospel work, yet he continued to follow God’s plan for him. Susanna says in the months before the abduction she saw a deepening of Pastor Raymond’s spiritual walk. He memorized large sections of God’s Word, went on long prayer walks and preached the gospel with renewed passion and intensity.

    Susanna is very honest as she shares raw emotion, grief and pain. But she also says God’s promises have uplifted her—as have Christian songs. She and her family have even been able to forgive those who kidnapped her husband.

    Pray for Susanna and the Koh family as they await the next hearing date in her lawsuit. Pray for wisdom for the judge, and that the truth of who was behind Raymond’s abduction is revealed.

    Susanna was one of four courageous women of the persecuted church who shared their stories as part of the Hearts of Fire Virtual Event from The Voice of the Martyrs. You can register and watch the event online.

    Never miss an episode of VOM Radio! Subscribe to the podcastOr you can listen each week—and get daily reminders to pray for persecuted Christians—in the VOM App for your smartphone or tablet. You can give online to support VOM’s ministry to persecuted Christians here.

    32 MIN
  • MALAYSIA: Three Years Since Pastor Disappeared

    This week marked the three-year anniversary of the disappearance of Pastor Raymond Koh in Malaysia, a military-style operation that took less than 40 seconds and was captured on a nearby security camera.

    Three years later, there is still no word on what happened to Pastor Raymond; his car has never been found. The kidnapping wasn’t his first taste of persecution; Pastor Raymond had been mailed a box of bullets as a warning to stop his ministry.

    VOM launched an international petition drive calling Malaysia’s government to account for this crime. Add your signature online at

    This week we will hear again from Raymond’s wife, Susanna, about how Pastor Raymond continued ministry in spite of threats and danger. She’ll describe the spiritual deepening she saw in her husband in the months before his abduction, and how she knows God was preparing him for the challenging time to come.

    Susanna says God has carried her and her family since Raymond’s forced disappearance. He’s even enabled them to forgive those who took her husband away. She’ll share specific scriptural promises and Christian songs that have helped her through dark hours of grief and anxiety.

    Susanna and her family have been greatly encouraged by notes, cards and letters from members of their spiritual family around the world. You can join in encouraging her by sending a card or a note of encouragement to:

    •      Susanna Koh
    •     #107
    •      Liew Sow Yoke
    •      Lot LG109B, One Utama Shopping Center,
    •      No. 1, Lebuh Bandar Utama,
    •      47800 Petaling Jaya,
    •      Selangor Darul Ehsan,
    •      Malaysia

    You can hear encouraging conversations like this one every week! Subscribe to the VOM Radio podcast.

    24 MIN
  • MALAYSIA: No Closure in Raymond Koh Case

    Early in 2017, Pastor Raymond Koh was abducted off the streets of Malaysia—a military-style operation that took less than 40 seconds. He hasn’t been seen or heard from since.

    Since our first VOM Radio conversation with Raymond’s wife, Susanna (listen here), the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia issued a formal report on Pastor Raymond’s disappearance. Susanna will give us an update on what that report said.

    Raymond and Susanna’s daughter, Esther, will tell the story of the day she found out her dad had been taken, and what she misses most since his forced disappearance. She’ll also talk about the amazing way God prepared and strengthened her mom to go through this season of suffering.

    After you listen, sign the petition to join Christians around the world in demanding that Malaysia's government explain Pastor Raymond's disappearance.

    Susanna shared what a blessing it was to receive encouraging cards and letters from Christians all over the world after her last visit with VOM Radio. You can mail your cards and letters to her at:

    Susanna Koh


    Liew Sow Yoke

    Lot LG109B, One Utama Shopping Center,

    No. 1, Lebuh Bandar Utama,

    47800 Petaling Jaya,

    Selangor Darul Ehsan,


    September marks the five-year anniversary of the launch of VOM Radio, and all this month we’re sharing highlights of the amazing stories God has allowed VOM Radio to tell over the past five years. This week’s clip features the story of an ISIS trainer who wanted to find a copy of the Bible. You can hear that entire episode, featuring a conversation with a gospel worker in the Middle East we called “Julian,” by clicking here.

    28 MIN
  • MALAYSIA: “God Was Preparing Him”

    On February 13, 2017 Pastor Raymond Koh was abducted off the streets of Malaysia. Nearby security cameras captured the entire crime. In the two years since, Koh hasn’t been seen or heard from; his car has never been found. It wasn’t Raymond’s first taste of persecution; he’d previously been mailed a box of bullets as a warning to stop his ministry.

    Our guest is Susanna Koh, Raymond’s wife, who will talk about how Pastor Raymond continued to minister in spite of the threats and danger. She’ll also describe a spiritual deepening she saw in her husband in the months before his abduction, and how she knows God was preparing him for the challenging time to come.

    Listen as Susanna shares how God has carried her and her family through the past two years, and how He’s even enabled them to forgive those who took her husband away. She’ll share specific scriptural promises and Christian songs that have helped her through dark hours of grief and anxiety.

    After you listen, sign the petition to join Christians around the world in demanding that Malaysia's government explain Pastor Raymond's disappearance.

    Susanna and her family have been greatly encouraged by notes, cards and letters from members of their spiritual family around the world. You can join in encouraging her by sending a card or a note of encouragement to:

         Susanna Koh
         Liew Sow Yoke
         Lot LG109B, One Utama Shopping Center,
         No. 1, Lebuh Bandar Utama,
         47800 Petaling Jaya,
         Selangor Darul Ehsan,
    You can hear encouraging conversations like this one every week! Subscribe to the VOM Radio podcast.
    33 MIN