“The Lord Protected Us in Libya. He Will Do It Again”
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  • Be Inspired to Live Like a Jesus Freak

    In 1999 a new book presented the stories of persecuted Christians in a powerful, memorable way. The book—Jesus Freaks by dc Talk and The Voice of the Martyrs—inspired an entire generation to passionately follow Christ, no matter the cost.

    This week a new, updated version of the book releases, including some classic stories from the original edition and powerful new stories written to inspire a new generation to live like a Jesus Freak.

    Michael Tait, one of the members of dc Talk (now the lead singer of the Newsboys), and Dan Pitts, co-manager of the band, will tell us how the original book came about and how they saw it impact readers. They’ll also talk about how the ministry baton was passed in their own families, and the impact they hope to see from this new edition of a Christian classic.

    Order your copy of the revised and updated edition of Jesus Freaks HERE.

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    24 MIN
  • MISSIONS: We Shouldn’t Run From Suffering

    God is at work in Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh! Even amidst the Covid pandemic, the gospel message is advancing among Rohingya people. But it’s not without cost; Rohingya Christians risk intense persecution.

    Dave and Pam lead Operation Mobilization’s work in western and central Asia, overseeing gospel workers reaching Muslims in multiple countries. They will share first-hand accounts of the gospel’s advance and the persecution Christ followers endure in their region of the world.

    They will also offer advice to Western Christians who want to build a bridge to Muslims living in their countries. It starts, they say, with simple things like hospitality and friendship. Dave and Pam also give listeners encouragement for seasons of struggle and discouragement.

    Finally, they will equip us to pray for God’s work in Muslim nations—including praying for our Christian brothers and sisters and praying for government leaders in those nations.

    November is a strategic time to pray for persecuted Christians as churches around the world commemorate the International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians. Download resources to help you and your church pray.

    Never miss an episode of VOM Radio! Subscribe to the podcast.

    24 MIN
  • MISSIONS: Risks We Can’t Afford NOT To Take

    Dave and Pam lead Operation Mobilization’s work in western and central Asia, overseeing gospel workers reaching Muslims in multiple countries.

    Listen as they discuss their call to missions and how God led them to work among Muslims. They will also share how finishing the task of reaching the Muslim world for Christ will require a better understanding of risk—a theology of suffering that allows Christians to victoriously endure persecution.

    Dave will challenge us to think Biblically about reaching Muslims, to intentionally see them as people God loves and that Jesus died for, rather than allowing our vision to be influenced by media portrayals or geopolitical animosities.

    Fear is real, and Dave and Pam will talk about how it affects them, and practical ways to fight through fear and reach those around us for Christ.

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    24 MIN
  • MIDDLE EAST: The Moment He Accepted Christ

    What does your church do to help new believers grow in their faith? Imagine how much more difficult it would be to disciple new Christians if you couldn’t meet together in person, or if they couldn’t admit openly that they were now following Christ for fear of persecution?

    “Brother Mark” works with Christians in 22 countries in North Africa and the Middle East, and he will tell us about the persecution faced by Christians in Muslim nations of that region.

    We’ll talk about the new reality in Sudan after the overthrow of Omar al Bashir and his Islamist regime. There is more freedom for Christians—but still threats against the church.

    What is the journey new Christians must make in order to be ready to face persecution and respond with forgiveness, love and hope? How is their identity, and their place in the culture, affected by their decision to follow Christ?

    Brother Mark has been with us before on VOM Radio; you can listen that episode here.

    Never miss an episode of VOM Radio! Subscribe to the podcast.

    24 MIN
  • MISSIONS: Our Lives Do Not Belong To Us

    Al Shabaab is advancing in Northern Mozambique, attacking and killing Christians and others.

    Will Hart leads Iris Global, which works to share the gospel in 34 nations around the world. We’ll focus this week on Africa, and especially Mozambique, where radical Islamist terrorists are taking territory and targeting churches and Christians.

    Will also shares how God radically saved him and sent him to the nations. He’ll talk about overcoming fear as he and his wife went to minister in the Congo—at the time one of the most dangerous countries in the world. Listen to how God protected them, even providing elite military guards to watch over them in the country.

    He’ll also advise those sensing a call to missions and equip us to pray for the nation of Mozambique.

    Connect with Will and Iris Global through their web page, YouTube channel and Instagram.

    Never miss an episode of VOM Radio! Subscribe to the podcast.

    40 MIN
  • God Is Setting His Throne in Iran

    Dr. Hormoz Shariat, the founder and president of Iran Alive Ministries, and his wife Donnell are back with us this week to finish our conversation about how God called them to share the gospel with 1,000,000 Iranians—a calling that grew out of a family tragedy and great loss.

    Hormoz will tell us he’s not a “natural” evangelist—he calls himself a shy nerd—but says God has given him strength and boldness to share the gospel. Listen as he describes getting laid off from his job and voted out by his church as blessings that unlocked the doorway to greater seasons of ministry.

    Hormoz will also share current needs of the church in Iran, equipping listeners to pray specifically for that country and for our brothers and sisters there.

    Hormoz’s new book, Iran’s Great Awakening: How God is Using a Muslim Convert to Spark Revival, released last week. As a VOM Radio listener, you can receive a complimentary copy when you make a donation of any size to Iran Alive Ministries. You can donate online, or donate on your smart phone by texting the word IGABook to 74784.

    Never miss an episode of VOM Radio! Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.

    29 MIN
  • Iran's Great Awakening

    Iran's Great Awakening

    August 29, 2020

    Dr. Hormoz Shariat was among thousands of Iranian Muslims marching in the streets of Tehran during the Islamic Revolution in 1979. Today, he’s “The Billy Graham of Iran” with a vision to reach one million Iranians for Jesus Christ. He tried Islam, but says it didn’t work to meet the needs of his heart and life.

    Hormoz’s wife, Donnell, was born in America, yet she too was marching in those streets after moving to Iran—and converting to Islam—to marry Hormoz.

    Today Hormoz leads Iran Alive Ministries, one of VOM’s partners in spreading the gospel to the people of Iran. Listen as Hormoz and Donnell tell the story of how God changed their hearts—and saved their marriage—through the love of Jesus and the faithful witness of His followers.

    Hormoz’s new book, Iran’s Great Awakening: How God is Using a Muslim Convert to Spark Revival, releases this week. As a VOM Radio listener, you can receive a complimentary copy when you make a donation of any size to Iran Alive Ministries. Donate online and request your copy here.

    Never miss an episode of VOM Radio! Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.

    24 MIN
  • TURKEY: Pastor’s Wife Security Threat?

    Joy Subasiguller has lived in Turkey for 10 years. She’s a pastor’s wife and the mother of three small children. In the eyes of Turkey’s government, she’s also a threat to national security! Her application for continued residency in Turkey has been denied, and Joy faces expulsion from the country.

    Joy’s husband, today the pastor of a Turkish church, was born into a Muslim family. Joy will share how he decided to leave Islam and follow Jesus Christ—and the persecution he endured for that decision.

    Listen to hear how God called Joy to missions, and to Turkey, and how He’s given her and her husband complete peace, even as they face complete upheaval in their life and ministry.

    Joy will update listeners on her court case as she seeks the overturn of the expulsion order and that she be allowed to remain in Turkey. She’ll suggest specific ways to pray for her and her family, and for the broader church in Turkey.

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    24 MIN
  • IRAN: Church Needs More Bibles

    Omid Sabouki serves as the President and CEO of Jubal Band Ministries, helping reach Iranian Muslims with the message that Jesus is the Son of God, and that He loves us.

    Omid will tell us this week about the persecution of Christians by Iran’s government, including arrest, imprisonment and even assault at the hands of interrogators. He’ll talk about the importance of getting more Bibles to the church in Iran—a challenge VOM is helping to meet through various Bible delivery methods. He’ll explain how he and other Christian leaders are training church leaders—both inside and outside Iran—to serve the rapidly-growing number of Iranian Christians.

    Omid will share the pain he feels when one of his workers inside Iran is arrested, and how he prepares workers to face persecution without losing their zeal for Christ—including sharing stories from VOM about persecuted Christians in other nations, like North Korea.

    Finally, Brother Omid will equip listeners to pray for Iran and the ongoing gospel work inside the Islamic Republic.

    Brother Omid shared his testimony of coming to Christ, including a dream, a taxi driver and a Bible, in the first part of our conversation.

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    24 MIN
  • IRAN: A Dream, a Taxi and a Bible

    Omid Sabouki grew up in a Muslim household in Iran. Today he is a follower of Christ, and helping reach more Iranian Muslims with the message that Jesus is the Son of God and that He loves us.

    Listen to Omid’s story of finding Jesus, including a dream during which a man in white told Omid, “stay on my way.” The next morning, the driver of his taxi gave Omid a package. Inside the package was a complete Bible. That Bible led Omid and his wife to faith in Christ—a decision that would cost him his relationship with his family.

    Listen to Omid’s story of finding Christ, then finding a spiritual family through a home church. Soon after, persecution forced Omid to leave Iran after the government closed his business and froze his bank accounts. But Omid says, “God had a plan for me.”

    Listen to Omid’s story of coming to faith and how God sustained him through persecution and trials. And hear how his ministry into Iran continues to lead others to Christ—including placing Bibles into mailboxes all across Iran.

    Omid serves as the President and CEO of Jubal Band Ministries.

    Never miss and episode of VOM Radio. Subscribe on your favorite podcast service.

    24 MIN
  • MISSIONS: For The Glory of God

    Andrew Scott is back to talk about missions right now—including the effects of coronavirus on international gospel workers. He says every follower of Christ is called to be part of spreading Jesus’ glory around the world. Andrew is the President and CEO of Operation Mobilization – USA, and the author of a book, SCATTER: Go Therefore and Take Your Job With You (affiliate link).

    Andrew will talk about how world missions is changing—including more missionaries raised up and sent out from developing world nations. He’ll also share how OM is collaborating with other mission orgs—including The Voice of the Martyrs—to complete the task of preaching Christ to every tribe, tongue and nation.

    Finally, he’ll share thoughts for those thinking about what role they might play in overseas gospel work, and coach every listener in how to pray for mission workers and the advance of Christ’s Kingdom around the world.

    OM’s founders, George Verwer (interview) and Dale Rhoton (Part 1 and Part 2), have also been guests on VOM Radio.

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    31 MIN
  • New Martyrs in India

    Aaron Miller leads VOM’s work in South and Central Asia, including India, where five Christians have been killed in the past two months.

    Listen as he shares how coronavirus is affecting VOM’s work, including stories of blessings that have grown out of the COVID-19 pandemic. One pastor said his interrogation was postponed because authorities in his area are focused on the virus, not on the church.

    Aaron brings unique expertise on persecution in India. Listen to the stories of some of the recent martyrs, including a teenager who stepped up when his pastor could no longer shepherd the flock in his village—and paid with his life. You’ll also hear how a husband, knowing persecution was coming, prepared his wife to stand strong in her faith even if she became a widow.

    How does VOM respond when a Christian is killed in India or other nations? How are help and encouragement delivered to family members left behind? How can we pray for Christians in South and Central Asia?

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    24 MIN
  • A God-Sized Vision for China

    “Brother Joel” continues the conversation we left off last week about God’s work in China, work which continues in spite of an ongoing wave of Christian persecution and the coronavirus pandemic. Brother Joel helps VOM distribute Bibles in every part of China. He’ll give us an update on current challenges for Bible efforts in China—including Chinese Christians currently in prison simply for providing people—including children—access to God’s Word.

    Joel will tell us how new laws in China affected foreign Christian workers, including thousands who found their visas cancelled and were forced to leave China, sometimes almost immediately. He’ll also talk about a current project to complete a new translation of the Bible into Chinese—a translation more favorable to Communist Party and socialist principles.

    Yet in spite of persecution, the virus and the other challenges facing China’s church, Joel says Chinese Christians are encouraged and excited about what God is doing in their nation. He’ll equip listeners to pray with current, specific needs of the church in China.

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    24 MIN
  • CHINA: Pandemic and Persecution

    In spite of the COVID-19 pandemic in China, the government’s focus on persecuting Christians and closing churches hasn’t faded. In fact, there’s been an increase in persecution in recent months as Chinese Communist Party leaders continue their efforts to control the hearts and minds of the people.

    Churches have been closed. Pastors have been arrested. But Chinese Christians are responding with boldness, finding new ways to spread the gospel even amidst pandemic and persecution.

    “Brother Joel” helps VOM distribute Bibles in every part of China, and this week he’ll share what’s happening with the church in China. How is coronavirus affecting the church? Why does the Communist Party fear Christians so much? What does persecution in China look like right now?

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    24 MIN
  • ERITREA: The Valley of Death

    Americans will celebrate Independence Day on July 4th. And while Americans celebrate freedom and liberty, 600 persecuted Christians in the African nation of Eritrea will spend another weekend in prison—some of them have been in prison more than 15 years!

    Dr. Berhane knows what it’s like inside Eritrean prisons. He spent 11 months in prison for his faith in Christ. But, even in prison, he saw God’s hand at work and found opportunities to witness to others—including prisoners about to be executed. Imagine the feeling as prison guards would read the names of prisoners scheduled for execution that day, each prisoner wondering if this was the day their name would be on that terrible list.

    Yet in the midst of suffering and executions, Dr. Berhane says he experienced an inner peace through the presence of Jesus Christ. “Whenever I read the Scripture,” he says, “it’s full of persecution.” Listen as he explains how there is more freedom for Christians to worship inside Eritrean prisons than for Christians outside of prison.

    Today, Dr. Berhane is a voice for persecuted Christians in Eritrea through Release Eritrea, a UK-based charity. Be inspired as he shares his own story, and equips every listener to pray for Christians in Eritrea, including those 600 currently in prison.

    You can write letters on behalf Christians in prison in Eritrea through PrisonerAlert.com.

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    24 MIN
  • The Power of the Gospel on Radio

    Ed Cannon is the President and CEO of FEBC. For 75 years, FEBC has been using radio to communicate the gospel to the least-reached people on earth. Their radio signals—and internet connections, smartphone apps and social media feeds—reach people speaking 129 languages in 50 countries. Included in those countries are hostile and restricted nations where Christians are persecuted for their faith in Christ.

    Ed has travelled the world to meet and support the broadcasters—including a 10-hour stay in jail when police discovered him carrying Christian materials for distribution in a hostile nation. Listen as Ed talks about the workers who lead FEBC’s in-country work, and how their commitment to Christ and to sharing the gospel inspires Ed’s own walk with Christ.

    Listen as Ed shares how FEBC signals and content are reaching minority language groups, including a Khmu language broadcast sponsored in part by VOM.

    Never miss an episode of VOM Radio! Subscribe on your favorite podcast service.

    24 MIN
  • Day of the Christian Martyr 2020

    Brother Jeremy, VOM’s deputy regional director for Africa, met Mary Sankagui just days after her husband—a pastor in Central African Republic—was killed for his faith in Christ and his ministry in a Muslim neighborhood. In spite of her loss, the woman Jeremy encountered had a deep sense of joy. Listen to hear Jeremy share the story of Pastor Jean-Paul Sankagui, and give us an update on current persecution in CAR and how the church there is responding and training the next generation of church leaders.

    Cole Richards, VOM’s President, joins us first to talk about Day of the Christian Martyr (free resources here). How are Christians in free nations inspired by stories of exemplary Christians who served in the face of persecution and laid down their lives to advance Christ’s Kingdom? How can we pray for the families of martyred Christians?

    Learn more about the Central African Republic and the church there in VOM’s Global Prayer Guide.

    Never miss and episode! Subscribe to VOM Radio on your favorite podcast service. You can also access VOM Radio, as well as books, audiobooks, movies and short videos—for free—in the VOM App for your smartphone or tablet.

    Cole Richards is the President of The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM). In addition to leading VOM’s service to persecuted Christians abroad, Cole serves as Publisher and Executive Producer of VOM’s publishing and media initiatives. Cole joined VOM in 2006 after living and ministering in a restricted nation, one of the least-reached in the Middle East, where he, his wife and their children reached out to Muslims and supported persecuted Christians.

    Cole holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering as well as two master’s degrees: one in missiology, with a focus on evangelism in the Muslim world, and one in business administration (MBA) in the context of organizational leadership. Before entering full-time ministry, Cole served as a USAF officer, focusing on the rise of Islamic terrorist groups in the Middle East.

    38 MIN
  • SYRIA: We Must Bring Hope

    Covid-19 has hit hard in Syria, yet many are unwilling to acknowledge the illness in their honor-shame culture where getting sick can bring shame on a family. Brother John will update listeners on how the virus is affecting Syria—and how God’s Kingdom is advancing even amidst the pandemic.

    Learn what Christian persecution looks like today in Syria, and how Christians there respond. You’ll also hear specific ways to pray for Syrian Christians.

    John will share the story of God’s work in one family. Their son was born with a birth defect, and his mom felt such shame she attempted suicide multiple times. Then she met Jesus—and the transformation was so dramatic it radically changed the outlook for her family and impacted people all over their city.

    Brother John leads Ananias House, working to proclaim the light and hope of Jesus Christ in the Middle East and North Africa.

    To learn more about the honor-shame culture in the Middle East, listen to our conversation with Audrey Frank about sharing the gospel in an honor-shame culture.

    Never miss an episode of VOM Radio. Subscribe on your favorite podcast app.

    24 MIN
  • PETR JASEK: Prayer Made a Difference

    When Petr Jasek spent 445 days in prison in Sudan, Omar al-Bashir was the dictatorial leader of the country. Since Petr’s release, Bashir’s government has been overthrown and Bashir locked inside one of the same prisons where Petr had been held.

    But are things really different for Christians in Sudan? Petr will answer that question as he returns to finish the conversation we began last week about his arrest and imprisonment in Sudan.

    In prison, Petr felt the Lord’s presence very near as he spent hours every day reading the Bible and praying. What has he done to maintain that same closeness as he returned to his normal, busy life?

    The story of Petr’s imprisonment—and the ministry God allowed him inside—is told in a brand new book, Imprisoned with ISIS: Faith in the Face of Evil. You’ll receive a copy for free when you make a donation to VOM here.

    Petr first told his story to VOM Radio listeners nine days after his release from prison. You can hear that conversation—recorded in Prague—here.

    Never miss an episode of VOM Radio. Subscribe on your favorite podcast app.

    24 MIN
  • PETR JASEK: Imprisoned With ISIS

    In 2015, Petr Jasek traveled to Khartoum, Sudan, to meet with pastors and other Christians to evaluate how The Voice of the Martyrs—a ministry Petr has served with since 2002—could help and encourage persecuted Sudanese believers.

    Petr was arrested at the airport on his way out of the country, charged with espionage and other crimes and sentenced to life in prison before the Czech government negotiated his release.

    The story of Petr’s imprisonment—and the ministry God allowed him inside—is told in a brand new book, Imprisoned with ISIS: Faith in the Face of Evil. You’ll receive a copy of this outstanding book for free when you make a donation to VOM here.

    Listen as Petr shares his story and updates listeners on his current ministry around the world.

    Petr first told his story to VOM Radio listeners just nine days after his release. You can hear that conversation—recorded in Prague—here.

    Never miss an episode of VOM Radio. Subscribe on your favorite podcast service.

    24 MIN