TÜRKIYE: Foreign Christians Being Forced Out
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AFGHANISTAN: God's Already At Work
24 MIN
After living and working in Afghanistan for more than a decade, John Weaver is often asked, How many Christians are there in Afghanistan? The answer God has laid on John’s heart is simple: there’s not enough! But God is at work, and Afghans—both inside Afghanistan and scattered throughout the world—are coming to know Jesus Christ personally. Listen to hear how John used his marriage ceremony as a way to represent Christ inside Afghanistan, and how villagers responded to the choice by an American, Christian couple to have their wedding in isolated, Muslim Afghanistan. John also shares ways we can pray and reach out to Muslim friends and coworkers right where we live, and advice for young people feeling God’s wonderful call to overseas missions service. John is the author of two books about his work in Afghanistan: Inside Afghanistan: An American Aide Worker’s Mission of Mercy to a War-Torn People and A Flame on the Front Line. (If you order the books through these affiliate links, a small portion of the purchase price comes to VOM as a referral fee.)