OM President: Who Am I to Stop Missionaries From Going To Hard Places?
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BONUS EPISODE: Inside Iran Now
22 MIN

VOM this week issued a Special Report about the church in Iran—a timely subject in light of current mass protests all over that nation. This special bonus episode of VOM Radio works hand-in-hand with that special report to help you understand current events in Iran and how they are affecting our Christian brothers and sisters there.

Peter Smith has been praying for and watching events in Iran for more than two decades. He’s made connections with Christian workers inside the country and Persian ministries around the world, giving him a unique understanding of what is happening in the country and how the church is being impacted.

Request your copy of the VOM Special Report about the church in Iran.

Listen to how Peter came to adopt Iran for prayer—and the blessings that resulted—in this episode of VOM Radio. Also, search for other guests involved in ministry to Iran by using the search bar at