OM President: Who Am I to Stop Missionaries From Going To Hard Places?
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Cole Richards: Inspired by Joy
24 MIN

Join us this week as we get to know Cole Richards, who has served more than a decade with The Voice of the Martyrs and in January, 2018, stepped into the role as President and CEO of the organization.

Cole will share about how God called him to missions work and share about some of the persecuted Christians he’s met who have inspired his own faith walk, and how VOM plays a unique role within the wider missions community.

Cole will also give listeners an early look at some of the exciting opportunities VOM will pursue in the coming year, including a new book and movie telling the story of Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM’s founders, and an important effort to bless and minister to more than 1,000 widows in Nigeria.

Cole opens up about the impact he hopes the stories of our persecuted brothers and sisters will have on American Christians—including VOM Radio listeners—to inspire them to live more boldly for Christ right where they are. Finally, he’ll share advice on how to pray for persecuted Christians, including how he makes his prayers for our persecuted family personal.

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Cole Richards is the President of The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM). In addition to leading VOM’s service to persecuted Christians abroad, Cole serves as Publisher and Executive Producer of VOM’s publishing and media initiatives. Cole joined VOM in 2006 after living and ministering in a restricted nation, one of the least-reached in the Middle East, where he, his wife and their children reached out to Muslims and supported persecuted Christians.

Cole holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering as well as two master’s degrees: one in missiology, with a focus on evangelism in the Muslim world, and one in business administration (MBA) in the context of organizational leadership. Before entering full-time ministry, Cole served as a USAF officer, focusing on the rise of Islamic terrorist groups in the Middle East.