OM President: Who Am I to Stop Missionaries From Going To Hard Places?
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ERITREA: “I’m Amazed I’m Alive”
24 MIN

For years, Helen Berhane read Scriptures about forgiving our enemies and praying for those who persecute us. But during long months as a prisoner in Eritrea—including long stretches locked in a metal shipping container—Helen got to see those Scriptures come to life in her own spirit and actions.

In this second half of our conversation, she shares how she found that in the fires of intense persecution she was able to forgive and even love her persecutors. She’ll also share what it meant to know that other Christians around the world were praying for her and writing letters on her behalf, and how God’s Word powerfully impacted her as she read it while in prison.

After hearing how much Christians writing letters made a difference for Helen, you’ll want to write letters to Christians currently in prison in Eritrea. Finally, Helen will encourage us with ways we can pray for Eritrea—both for our brothers and sisters in prison there and for government leaders in the country who are persecuting our Christian family.

If you missed Part 1 of our conversation with Helen, you can listen to it here.