ARRESTED IN MIDDLE EAST: Prison Was a Mission Field
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GEORGE VERWER: “We Have to Count the Cost”
24 MIN

George Verwer is the founder of Operation Mobilization; OM has mobilized more than 200,000 people to spread the gospel to the furthest parts of the world. Listen as George shares how he thinks about risk, and his challenge to Christian believers to refocus from comfort and convenience to serving the Lord.

George will share about OM workers he has known who’ve sacrificed everything for Christ, and also how he makes tough leadership decisions—including sending mission workers into dangerous places.

Verwer challenges each of us to be involved in sharing the gospel message and to focus more on the things of Christ than on the daily news or our social media feed.

He’ll also share about his early encounters with VOM’s founder, Richard Wurmbrand, and how George declined to use OM vehicles to smuggle Richard out of Romania.

Listen to OM co-founder Dale Rhoton on VOM Radio here and here. Current OM-USA President, Andrew Scott, has also been a guest on VOM Radio.

Purchase George's book, Messiology (affiliate link).