OM President: Who Am I to Stop Missionaries From Going To Hard Places?
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Reaching Muslims: “As Christ Sees Them”
24 MIN

“Dr. Andrew” returns this week to share more about what God is doing in the Middle East, including the openness of Muslims to talk about faith and hear the gospel. He’ll also share the consequences that come to those who leave Islam and follow Christ—including a first-hand story of a wealthy man who gave up everything, including his daughter, to follow Jesus. Dr. Andrew will also update us on the effect on Christians of the upheaval and war in Yemen, and ways we can pray for them. He’ll advise listeners on practical ways to start talking to Muslims in our sphere of influence about Jesus—beginning with a call for Christians to know our Bibles more deeply! You’ll be challenged to reach out and equipped to pray more effectively this week on VOM Radio.

The two resources that Dr. Andrew recommended to help Christians better understand Islam and how to reach out to Muslims are Answering Islam: The Crescent in Light of the Cross and What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Quran. (If you order the books through these affiliate links, a small portion of the purchase price comes to VOM as a referral fee.)