Today we conclude China Week on VOM Radio. All week we've looked at the increasing persecution of Christians in China in conjunction with a new VOM Special Report on China.
Today: “Sister Amber” shares her story of being arrested and persecuted at the hands of Chinese officials in Tibet. It’s one of the most impactful conversations we’ve ever shared on VOM Radio.
Sister Amber spent more than a decade in Tibet, providing vocational training to the people and sharing the gospel message of Christ’s love. She felt God's call especially to work among Tibet's nomadic tribal people, who jokingly call themselves "the roof on the roof of the world." Amber watched as God brought about a great ministry breakthrough: people who'd been totally closed to her message were now asking to learn more about Jesus.
But just days after the breakthrough Amber experienced persecution; police came pounding on her door.
Listen as she tells the story. You'll hear how God ministered to her in the hardest moments of her suffering. You'll hear how she was eventually released, and the way God showed her that her persecution was not the end of the story.
You'll also hear how God laid on the hearts of people around the world to pray for Amber, including one who drew a picture of Amber surrounded by policemen in the interrogation room. Months later, when Amber saw the picture, it matched exactly the setting of her interrogation, but also offered a ray of spiritual hope.
Your faith will be challenged as you hear Amber's thoughts on what the New Testament calls the "honor" of being persecuted, and she’ll give first-hand advice on how we can pray for Christians in prison right now.
If you did not yet receive a copy of VOM’s Special Report on the increase of persecution in China, request your copy at
It’s Day 4 of China Week here on VOM Radio as we look at the increasing persecution of Christians in China in conjunction with a new VOM Special Report on China.
Today: Brother Joel is back with us to talk specifically to the state of Bible distribution in China. Listen to hear why Chinese believers need a new copy of the Bible every 3-5 years. He’ll also talk about how he and his family think about the possibility that he might face persecution.
Tomorrow China Week concludes as we hear from “Sister Amber;” one of the most impactful interviews that has ever aired on VOM Radio.
If you did not yet receive a copy of VOM’s Special Report on the increase of persecution in China, request your copy at
It’s Day 3 of China Week here on VOM Radio as we look at the increasing persecution of Christians in China in conjunction with a new VOM Special Report on China.
Today: an interview recorded inside China with one of VOM’s Bible distribution partners, a man who risks three years in prison every time he leaves his home to minister for Christ. Listen as our brother shares about growing up in a family of persecuted Christians, and the story of his very first arrest, and the thoughts on his heart as he went through that testing time.
Tomorrow China Week continues as we hear more from Brother Joel about the challenges of getting Bibles to our spiritual family members all across the country.
If you did not yet receive a copy of VOM’s Special Report on the increase of persecution in China, request your copy at
It’s Day 2 of our special China Week here on VOM Radio as we look into the increasing persecution of Christian brothers and sisters in China.
New laws went into effect in February that greatly affect our Christian brothers and sisters in China and how they are able to live out their faith. Then, in March, term limits were abolished for China’s President, allowing current leader Xi Jinping to lead the country for many more years.
Today Brother Blake and Brother Joel will share what these changes mean for churches in China, and how Christians are responding to continue serving Christ in the face of increased communist oppression. Blake and Joel will also equip and inspire you to pray for China’s Christians during these days of increasing pressure.
Tomorrow China Week continues as we meet one of our Chinese brothers involved in Bible distribution there.
If you did not yet receive a copy of VOM’s Special Report on the increase of persecution in China, request your copy at
In this special episode Cole Richards, VOM’s President and CEO, shares about a new special report issued by The Voice of the Martyrs about the increased persecution of Christians in the nation of China.
Cole will talk about what has changed in recent months in China and how Christians there are responding by continuing to serve Christ, regardless of what the communist government does or what pressure they face.
We’ll also discuss how this crackdown in China is affecting VOM’s work in the country, and what American Christians can learn from the way our Chinese brothers and sisters are responding to the challenges of persecution they face. Finally, as we always do on VOM Radio, we’ll talk about specific ways you can pray for our spiritual family in China.
Note: This is the first of five special episodes this week focusing in China, released in conjunction with a VOM Special Report about the increase in persecution on Christians in China this year. If you did not already receive a copy of this special report, you can request a copy at
Cole Richards is the President of The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM). In addition to leading VOM’s service to persecuted Christians abroad, Cole serves as Publisher and Executive Producer of VOM’s publishing and media initiatives. Cole joined VOM in 2006 after living and ministering in a restricted nation, one of the least-reached in the Middle East, where he, his wife and their children reached out to Muslims and supported persecuted Christians.
Cole holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering as well as two master’s degrees: one in missiology, with a focus on evangelism in the Muslim world, and one in business administration (MBA) in the context of organizational leadership. Before entering full-time ministry, Cole served as a USAF officer, focusing on the rise of Islamic terrorist groups in the Middle East.
“Brother Fahdi” spent many years doing gospel work all over the Middle East and North Africa, equipping church planters and leaders and helping to reach Muslims with the gospel message of Christ’s love. Listen as he discusses the situation for Christians in Yemen, Algeria and other nations.
What happens when a Muslim in the Middle East comes to faith in Christ? Fahdi will describe the persecution they are likely to face, but says in spite of such persecution God is reaching many hearts.
Fahdi will explain how Muslims think about Shariah Law, the lies they’ve been told about Christianity’s teachings, and how Christians—in the Middle East and the United States—can reach out to share the truth of the gospel with love for Muslim friends and neighbors.
Finally, Brother Fahdi will equip us to pray for Christians across the region, and especially in the war-torn country of Yemen.
The gospel worker in Somalia knows that his life is in danger. He’s seen ministry coworkers gunned down by radical Muslims. But he doesn’t fear death, seeing as the Apostle Paul did that “to die is gain.”
This week we’ll hear from “Brother Michael,” who assists VOM to serve alongside persecuted Christians in the Horn of Africa, including that bold evangelist in Somalia and others like him in Ethiopia, Sudan and other nations.
Listen to hear the story of an Imam who came to faith in Christ, then had both his job and his family taken from him. Michael will also share about a woman who committed her life to Christ in a Muslim village, then woke up one night to find her home on fire and watched it burn as neighbors refused to help her.
Michael will also tell us why a motorcycle can make a huge difference in the ministry of Front-line workers supported by VOM, helping them reach exponentially more villages and more people with the gospel message of Jesus’ love.
Operation World says the fastest growing church in the world is in the Islamic Republic of Iran. What is driving this incredible revival among Iranian people?
Rev. Dr. Mehrdad Fatehi leads PARS Theological Center, training leaders for the Iranian church in Iran and around the world. He’ll help us look behind the scenes at the phenomenal growth of the church in Iran, and the pressure house churches—and especially church leaders—face right now from the Islamic government. Listen to hear how God intervened to bring an end to one believer’s police interrogation. How does a new Christian believer in Iran find other believers to connect and fellowship with? How are leaders trained when public, open theological education is impossible?
Hear how PARS focuses on both increasing knowledge from education and study, as well as mentoring to help students practice the behaviors of leadership, face the challenges that come with ministry in a closed nation and continue their personal spiritual growth.
Finally, Dr. Fatehi will help us pray more specifically for the needs of our brothers and sisters inside the Islamic Republic.
When this year began, there was talk of war between North Korea and the United States. By June, we watched video of President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un smiling and shaking hands. Big changes!
What does it mean? How are those changes affecting our Christian brothers and sisters in the DPRK? Dr. Eric Foley, the President of VOM-Korea, joins us to offer answers to those questions, and helps us look at news coverage of North Korea not as Americans or Koreans, but as members of the Body of Christ.
Dr. Foley will talk about changes on the Korean peninsula, and how those changes are affecting Christian work there—both north and south of the DMZ. He’ll share why this has been the most difficult year ever for VOM balloon launches into North Korea, and explain why North Korean defectors are such a significant part of reaching North Korea with the gospel message.
Finally, Dr. Foley will give very specific advice on how we can be in prayer for North Korean Christians.
Will you commit to pray for North Korea this week? Join us on VOM Radio and equip yourself to pray more knowledgeably for the “hermit kingdom.”
George Verwer is the founder of Operation Mobilization; OM has mobilized more than 200,000 people to spread the gospel to the furthest parts of the world. Listen as George shares how he thinks about risk, and his challenge to Christian believers to refocus from comfort and convenience to serving the Lord.
George will share about OM workers he has known who’ve sacrificed everything for Christ, and also how he makes tough leadership decisions—including sending mission workers into dangerous places.
Verwer challenges each of us to be involved in sharing the gospel message and to focus more on the things of Christ than on the daily news or our social media feed.
He’ll also share about his early encounters with VOM’s founder, Richard Wurmbrand, and how George declined to use OM vehicles to smuggle Richard out of Romania.
Listen to OM co-founder Dale Rhoton on VOM Radio here and here. Current OM-USA President, Andrew Scott, has also been a guest on VOM Radio.
Purchase George's book, Messiology (affiliate link).
What do our brothers and sisters in Central Asia face in walking out their faith in Christ? A hard path filled with loss and persecution—but also a path filled with joy! Aaron Miller oversees VOM’s work there, and he’s just back from meeting with and hearing the testimonies of our persecuted family there about how God’s Kingdom is advancing even in small steps, one conversation or one taxi ride at a time.
Listen to hear specific types of persecution that Christians in Central Asia face, and ways VOM is standing with them—and in some cases has stood with them for years.
You’ll meet Rebekah, whose husband was martyred for his faith years ago, and who now says that the hard path of losing her husband has opened the door for even greater ministry in her nation—especially to women who’ve experienced loss and hardship.
One of those Rebekah is ministering to is Rachel. Listen to hear why getting a driver’s license was a major accomplishment for Rachel—and how it is already improving her, and Rebekah’s, ability to minister for Christ.
Lydia is the widow of a pastor. Her family is trying to get her to marry a Muslim man. it's an offer she has repeatedly refused, even though in her culture it is very difficult for a single mother. Listen to hear specific ways you can pray for Lydia and her children—and what the support of Christians around the world has meant to her.
Hear the story of a second-grade boy boldly sharing about Jesus with classmates and friends—even though he lives in a restricted nation where such talk can lead to trouble.
You’ll hear about Caleb, who was so convicted after he came to faith in Christ that it changed the way he did his work—which ultimately cost him his job as a policeman. Listen to hear how God continues to meet his family’s needs, and how God let VOM play a role in their story—at exactly the right time.
Your faith will be encouraged and you’ll be equipped to pray for our brothers and sisters in Central Asia this week on VOM Radio.
Brad Phillips shares an update on the current situation for Christians in Sudan, including persecution of Nuba Christians along the border with South Sudan. You’ll be inspired by the story of Morris, who paid the fine demanded from the Muslim who attacked his daughter. Morris saw an opportunity for the gospel instead of taking an opportunity for revenge or anger.
You’ll be challenged as you hear how the gospel is advancing in Sudan in spite of persecution and threats, and equipped to pray for our Sudanese family members as they boldly share the gospel.
You can hear Phillips’ previous visit on VOM Radio here.
Hear VOM staff member Petr Jasek share about his 14 months in prison in Sudan here.
In the midst of his persecution, Dmitry “David” Shestakov remembered Christ on the cross, and determined in his heart that if Christ suffered willingly, David also would persevere through his time of suffering.
As a young man, David was a criminal and a drug user. His mother’s desperate prayer—even though she was an atheist—led to Shestakov surrendering his life to Christ. Once surrendered, he immediately began to tell others about Jesus. He knew, early on, that such witness would be costly.
Listen to hear how God used letters written by VOM readers on to bless and protect David while he was in prison in Uzbekistan—even saving him from being beaten by guards. You’ll also hear how the Uzbek government tried to add years to his sentence, but God miraculously moved and David was released, as he says, “like a Scripture came to life.”
David will also help us pray for Christians currently in prison, and for their family members.
Joe Handley leads Asian Access, a ministry to train and equip church leaders—including many working in countries where Christians face persecution for their faith.
Listen as Joe shares the process used to train leaders, and the special challenges of raising up leaders prepared to endure and thrive in spite of persecution and hostility. Joe will also talk about how the principles taught translate across cultural boundaries from country to country, equipping leaders to boldly follow Christ and serve His people. Finally, Joe will equip us to pray for these leaders, as well as the ministry of Asian Access.
Don’t forget: the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church is coming up November 4. Get free resources from VOM to help your church pray.
Brother “Ali” says that the current situation in Iran is “chaos.” But he says God is using that chaos as “a perfect storm” to bring more Iranians to faith in Christ.
You’ll be encouraged by stories of how God is reaching Iranian people with His love—a love that can overcome depression, sickness and need, replacing chaos with the peace of God.
Listen as Ali shares the story in the Bible that inspires him to challenge Muslims to go to the mosque more often, and how he sees lives changed dramatically—often in a very short time—after an Iranian meets Jesus.
Ali will also talk about the blessings of persecution, how the fear and danger he faces each day shapes his spiritual walk, and how the church in Iran talks about suffering.
“Brother Joel” is back to discuss current persecution in China and how the church there is responding. Joel speaks especially to the current status of Bible distribution in China, and why Chinese Christians need a new Bible every 3-5 years.
Joel will also tell how he and his wife personally think through and plan for the possibility they will receive “the gift of persecution,” and who inspired him to be involved in this sacrificial, dangerous ministry effort. Finally Joel will help us pray for the church in China, and for VOM’s work in that nation.
Listen here for a recent update on increasing persecution in China, and here for Brother Joel’s first-ever interview with VOM Radio.
In Part 2 of our interview with Pastor Hassan Abduraheem Taour he shares how his heart remained upbeat, even as the judge pronounced him guilty and sentenced him to 12 years in prison. He’ll talk about how reading the Bible is different inside prison than when you’re free. Hassan says he experienced persecution as a blessing from God—a blessing that brought him to weep tears of joy. “It is really a privilege to be persecuted,” he says.
Your faith will be encouraged, and you’ll be challenged to pray for Sudan as you hear Pastor Hassan’s amazing testimony this week on VOM Radio.
Hear Part 1 of our conversation here.
Pastor Hassan was imprisoned with VOM’s Africa regional director, Petr Jasek. You can hear Petr’s side of the story here.
Pastor Hassan Abduraheem Taour helped train Sudanese pastors to be ready for persecution. He didn’t know that he was also preparing himself for the day he’d be arrested in Sudan, charged with aiding espionage alongside VOM’s Africa regional director, Petr Jasek, and sentenced to 12 years in prison.
There were difficult days in prison, yet Pastor Hassan experienced the joy of the Lord—joy so powerful it brought tears to his eyes. It is because of that joy, and because of the ministry God gave him in prison, that Pastor Hassan looks back on those long months as “one of the best times of my life.”
Pastor Kumar is a part of the All India Christian Council, helping Christians all over India who face persecution and pressure for living out their faith in Christ. Listen as Kumar talks about how persecution in India is increasing, to the point that every day a Christians is facing persecution somewhere in India. What challenges will a Hindu who chooses to follow Jesus likely face?
Kumar will also share about so-called “anti-conversion” laws in India, and how they affect evangelism. He will share his own experience facing persecution and even death threats as he shared the gospel—and how he felt God’s hand in those moments. Finally, Kumar will equip all of us to pray for our brothers and sisters in India.
Pastor John Cao has trained literally thousands of Chinese church leaders, including many who have taken the gospel to other parts of China and even across the border into other nations. In recent years Cao’s ministry has expanded to Myanmar, where he set up schools to minister to poor children from minority tribal groups. But his bold ministry in and out of China has not gone unnoticed by Chinese authorities. Today Pastor John sits in a Chinese prison, sentenced to serve seven years on the charge of “illegal border crossing.” Yet even in prison, he has found reasons to rejoice!
Dr. Bob Fu, the founder and president of China Aid Association, will share the story of his friend, Pastor John Cao, as well as update us on the state of the church in China and specific ways that we can pray this week for that nation and our brothers and sisters there.
Sign the petition on The White House web site, asking President Trump to intervene on behalf of Pastor John Cao.