John Grooters is the director of a new movie portraying the story of VOM's founders, Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, the story told by Richard in his best-selling book, Tortured For Christ.
Listen this week as John talks about turning this iconic book into a film, including the challenge of portraying Richard’s suffering in an appropriate way. John will also share how God’s hand was on the production, including snowfall and sunshine in Romania that miraculously cooperated with the filming schedule and how He led John to just the right song for the film—a song written by a Christian cellmate of Richard Wurmbrand in prison!
You’ll hear how Richard’s faith has impacted John as he studied the story and created the film, and how he hopes it will also impact the faith of the viewers, including ending the movie not with a scene of suffering but a scene of American Christians worshipping the Lord.
Learn more about the film, and order the DVD, at, and hear VOM Radio host, Todd Nettleton, as a guest on John’s podcast, “No Shame,” by clicking here.
Join us this week as we get to know Cole Richards, who has served more than a decade with The Voice of the Martyrs and in January, 2018, stepped into the role as President and CEO of the organization.
Cole will share about how God called him to missions work and share about some of the persecuted Christians he’s met who have inspired his own faith walk, and how VOM plays a unique role within the wider missions community.
Cole will also give listeners an early look at some of the exciting opportunities VOM will pursue in the coming year, including a new book and movie telling the story of Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM’s founders, and an important effort to bless and minister to more than 1,000 widows in Nigeria.
Cole opens up about the impact he hopes the stories of our persecuted brothers and sisters will have on American Christians—including VOM Radio listeners—to inspire them to live more boldly for Christ right where they are. Finally, he’ll share advice on how to pray for persecuted Christians, including how he makes his prayers for our persecuted family personal.
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Cole Richards is the President of The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM). In addition to leading VOM’s service to persecuted Christians abroad, Cole serves as Publisher and Executive Producer of VOM’s publishing and media initiatives. Cole joined VOM in 2006 after living and ministering in a restricted nation, one of the least-reached in the Middle East, where he, his wife and their children reached out to Muslims and supported persecuted Christians.
Cole holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering as well as two master’s degrees: one in missiology, with a focus on evangelism in the Muslim world, and one in business administration (MBA) in the context of organizational leadership. Before entering full-time ministry, Cole served as a USAF officer, focusing on the rise of Islamic terrorist groups in the Middle East.
For years, Helen Berhane read Scriptures about forgiving our enemies and praying for those who persecute us. But during long months as a prisoner in Eritrea—including long stretches locked in a metal shipping container—Helen got to see those Scriptures come to life in her own spirit and actions.
In this second half of our conversation, she shares how she found that in the fires of intense persecution she was able to forgive and even love her persecutors. She’ll also share what it meant to know that other Christians around the world were praying for her and writing letters on her behalf, and how God’s Word powerfully impacted her as she read it while in prison.
After hearing how much Christians writing letters made a difference for Helen, you’ll want to write letters to Christians currently in prison in Eritrea. Finally, Helen will encourage us with ways we can pray for Eritrea—both for our brothers and sisters in prison there and for government leaders in the country who are persecuting our Christian family.
If you missed Part 1 of our conversation with Helen, you can listen to it here.
Helen Berhane was a well-known worship leader and gospel singer in the churches of Eritrea when the government outlawed evangelical churches. In one week these churches went from meeting openly in large public services to being underground, meeting in homes and hiding from police.
In the midst of that crackdown, Helen was arrested, beaten and put in prison. Listen as Helen shares how she prepared her heart, ahead of time, for the days when she would face persecution.
She’ll talk about the Scriptures she drew strength from, and how she was able to keep singing praise to God, even as her suffering increased. Listen to how she experienced God’s amazing presence, even locked inside a metal shipping container for many months.
Listen also to Part 2 of our conversation with Helen.
This week we begin a look back at some of the most memorable moments on VOM Radio in 2017. Hear Petr Jasek share how, after he was arrested in Sudan and put into a prison cell, he realized God had been preparing him for that moment, and had even shown him the prison cell door in a dream.
Brother David will share how when police showed up to arrest him in Turkey, he was excited that God must have big plans for ministry in store.
Dr. Andrew says when he was arrested, he was terrified. Being afraid isn’t the problem, he says, as long as you aren’t controlled by that fear but instead are controlled by the reality of Who God is.
David Shestakov shares what it meant to receive letters from Christians around the world while he was imprisoned in Uzbekistan.
And finally we’ll share a miracle story of a Bible delivery to Christians inside Syria—a story that will inspire you with how God’s hand is still at work in the Middle East today.
Use the search feature at to hear the entire conversations with each of these guests.
Cuban pastors go to church each week knowing government spies are planted among their congregation, people wanting to collect evidence to get the pastor arrested. It’s just one of many ways the Cuban government brings constant pressure against the church.
Listen in as Jonathan Ekman, VOM’s Vice President for International Ministry, shares stories from a recent visit to Cuba and the believers he met there and how they inspired his faith.
Believers in Cuba willingly pay a high price for following Christ and building His church—a price that extends to their children as well. You’ll be inspired by their faithfulness, and inspired to pray for Christians in Cuba by this conversation.
You can give online to support VOM’s work in Cuba and other nations through a gift to support Front Line Ministry at