TÜRKIYE: Foreign Christians Being Forced Out
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  • IRAN: A Disciple Will Die for Jesus
    Our guest this week says there is a special spiritual window open right now in a place you might not expect: The Islamic Republic of Iran. “Ali” is a gospel worker in that country with amazing testimonies of how God is at work inside Iran right now, showing off His power and bringing Iranians into fellowship with Jesus. Ali will challenge us with the difference between a convert and a disciple and share stories of how Christ is making disciples—followers willing to face persecution—inside Iran. You’ll be inspired and challenged to take small steps of obedience in your own faith walk. Ali will also share ways American Christians can reach out to Muslims right here in our country. Learn more about Ali’s ministry at http://catalyticministries.com.
    42 MIN
  • MISSIONS: This Is Why I’m Here
    YWAM Frontier Missions (www.YWAMFM.com) is sending gospel workers to unreached peoples around the world, including many nations where Christians are persecuted for their faith. Listen as leaders from YWAM discuss the places where they see God working mightily today, and describe how they train church planters to thrive in hostile regions. They’ll talk about the most important quality they look for in gospel workers, a tenacity that will hang onto their faith and their calling in spite of hardship or persecution. Brian and Louise Hogan will share some of their story of planting a church in Mongolia (you can hear their full story here and here), and how that shapes the way they train church planters today. Kevin (who previously appeared on VOM Radio here) will share about how gospel workers take the training YWAM gives them and translate it into their specific cultural setting to meet the needs of the people where God has called them. (This extended online episode contains bonus portions of our interview that did not air as part of the radio broadcast version of this week’s episode.)
    57 MIN
  • To Own a Bible

    To Own a Bible

    October 14, 2017
    Dr. Carl Moeller is the CEO of Biblica: The International Bible Society, helping deliver God’s Word to people all over the world. Biblica is one of the organizations VOM partners with in delivering the Scriptures into hostile and restricted nations. Listen in as Dr. Moeller discusses Bible delivery into countries where Christians are persecuted, what it means to Christians in those countries to have their own copy of God’s Word, and the ways that persecuted Christians have inspired him to take his own walk of faith with Christ to a deeper level.
    24 MIN
  • ERITREA: "This Inner Peace"
    “Whenever I read the Scripture, it’s full of persecution.” For Dr. Berhane, a Christian from Eritrea, persecution is not only in Scripture, it’s also a part of his personal story. He spent 11 months in prison for his faith in Christ. But even in prison he saw God’s hand at work and found opportunities to witness to others. Listen as he shares about how prison guards would come and read the names of prisoners to be executed that day, with each prisoner wondering if that day was the day their name would be on the list. Yet in the midst of suffering and executions, Dr. Berhane says he experienced an inner peace through the presence of Jesus Christ. Today, he is a voice for persecuted Christians in Eritrea, and says there is more freedom for Christians to worship inside Eritrean prisons than there is for Christians outside of prison. Be inspired as he shares his own story, and equips us to pray for Christians currently imprisoned in Eritrea, this week on VOM Radio.
    24 MIN
  • PETR JASEK: Imprisoned In Sudan
    Petr Jasek, VOM’s Africa Regional Director, was visiting persecuted Christians in Sudan and assessing how VOM could best help believers there. But instead of flying home from the trip, he was detained at the airport in Khartoum. Listen as Petr shares highlights from his story, which is also told in the October issue—the 50th Anniversary Edition—of VOM’s free monthly newsletter. Listen as Petr shares about his first night in a jail cell, how God had uniquely prepared him with a dream and how he discovered that his cell mates were radical Muslim ISIS fighters. Hear how God used a Sudanese guard to save Petr’s life, and how God revealed that He had a purpose for Petr’s imprisonment, a purpose so great that Petr stopped praying for his release. Petr also shares how he learned to wait upon the Lord during 445 days in prison, and how he experienced God’s deepest peace in the times of his most intense persecution. To hear Petr share the entire story of his arrest, imprisonment and eventual release, click here.
    24 MIN
  • Adopting a Whole Country

    Adopting a Whole Country

    September 22, 2017
    What might God do if you made the commitment to pray every day for a specific country? What doors might He open? Two decades ago Peter Smith and his wife were challenged to adopt a country and specifically pray every day for God’s Spirit to move in that country. The country God led them to was the Islamic Republic of Iran. Listen to hear how Peter and his wife began to pray, how God opened the door for him to visit Iran, and how his family has reached out to Persian people living in the United States. In the 20 years since Peter and his family began to pray, God has opened amazing doors for them to impact Iranian people for Christ. As you listen this week, you’ll be challenged to make the same decision Peter and his family made all those years ago: to adopt a country and specifically pray every day for the people in that country. Who knows the doors God will open in your life to minister for Him to the people you’re praying for?
    24 MIN
  • UGANDA: We Stand With the Church
    UGANDA: We Stand With the Church by The Voice of the Martyrs
    24 MIN
  • INDIA The Lord Has Given Favor
    The first time “Brother Dan” travelled to India was on a mission trip 25 years ago. With one visit to this vast country, he was hooked! Six years ago, Dan moved to India full time, working to share the gospel and strengthen the church. Listen this week as Dan shares how God is at work in India, including performing miracles that show He is more powerful than any of the millions of gods Hindus follow. Dan will also share some of the challenges our Indian brothers and sisters are facing, and what persecution looks like for an Indian who leaves Hinduism to follow Jesus. Finally, he’ll equip each of us with ways we can pray for Indian Christians, and for their nation.
    24 MIN
  • TIBET: "That Gives Me Peace"

    When “Brother David” told his Tibetan Buddhist family that he had left Buddhism and was following Jesus Christ, they kicked him out of the family. They wouldn’t even let him take his suitcase with him!

    But God provided for David, not only to survive but to attend Bible school and become a bold evangelist and church leader. Listen as David shares his story, and how God has allowed him to minister over the years, including sending a Bible to the Dalai Lama.

    Hear how he is training evangelists to work all over South Asia and discipling more Christians to spread the gospel message of Jesus’ love. He’ll also share how you can help lead Buddhists to Jesus, and help you pray effectively for Christians in Tibet and the surrounding nations.

    (If you missed Part 1 of our conversation with David, listen to it here.)

    24 MIN
  • TIBET: “At Any Cost”

    “Brother David” was born into a Tibetan Buddhist family. He was even chosen for special training by the Dalai Lama.

    Yet even as he learned more about Buddhism, he was filled with darkness and says he was a man who “never had peace.” But he saw something different—light—in his roommate, a man he didn’t know at that time was a Christian. David asked him why he was different.

    Before that conversation, David had never heard the word Christian, and had no idea who Jesus was. Invited to a Christian meeting, David committed to following Jesus Christ and his life was forever changed.

    Listen as David shares his amazing testimony of coming to know Christ, how he grew deeper in his Christian walk, and how his community and even his own family responded to his decision to follow Jesus Christ.

    24 MIN
  • LEBANON: Love Expels Fear

    Just weeks after coming to faith in Christ, Pastor Pierre read Richard Wurmbrand’s book, Tortured for Christ. The book helped him understand, even as a young Christian, that following Christ “is not a cheap path.”

    Today, Pierre is a pastor and church leader in Lebanon, a nation facing the challenge of caring for two million refugees from neighboring Syria.

    Listen as Pastor Pierre shares about his own walk of faith, why he and his wife chose to name their daughter after a martyr, and how Christians in Lebanon are responding to the flood of Muslim refugees in their nation. Pastor Pierre will also talk about witnessing to Muslims, and he’ll share how he has found that blessings come out of persecution.

    Learn more about Bonnie Witherall, the martyr for whom Pastor Pierre and his wife named their daughter, in FOXE: Voices of the Martyrs, and in this interview with her husband, Gary.

    24 MIN
  • NORTH AFRICA: More Than Rules

    “Aaron” is living and ministering among Muslims in North Africa. As he has lived and worked among his Muslim friends, many of whom are very religious, God has challenged Aaron to be sure that what he is pointing these Muslims toward is Jesus Christ, and not just a culture or a new list of rules different from the rules they are following under Islam.

    Those who answer the call to follow Jesus are often ostracized by their families and unable to find work, yet they willingly sacrifice to follow the Savior they’ve met. Listen to Aaron challenge us as Christians in the United States to point Muslims here to Jesus Christ, and to pray for the advance of God’s Kingdom in North Africa.

    Aaron’s path to serving in overseas ministry began very young. As a child Aaron was inspired by stories of Christians standing boldly for Christ in spite of hardship and persecution. You can share inspiring stories with your children through the Torchlighters DVDs from The Voice of the Martyrs.

    24 MIN
  • PAKISTAN: The Perfect Place

    The Bible distribution team in Pakistan was robbed at gunpoint. A team member was hit with a rifle butt. Their money was stolen, along with their phones and everything else of value. But later, the bandits were arrested and taken to court, facing years in prison. Bible team members were asked to testify, and what they said in open court shocked the judge, the lawyers and the entire courtroom. Listen to VOM Radio this week to hear that story from Faisal and Carrie, who are part of Grace Bible Church of Pakistan.

    Pakistan is 98% Muslim, but Faisal and Carrie say it’s “the perfect place” to share the gospel, because the need for the gospel is so great. They are showing the light of Christ in Pakistan through ministry to children in a school and through leadership development training for pastors and church leaders, in addition to Bible distribution work. Learn more about their ministry in Pakistan, and how you can reach out to Muslims in the United States, this week on VOM Radio.

    The first part of the story of the Bible team in Pakistan was told in VOM’s April, 2017 newsletter. Sign up to receive VOM’s free monthly newsletter here. Give online to support Bible distribution in Pakistan and other restricted nations here.


    24 MIN
  • BIBLE SMUGGLING: What Greater Gift

    Patrick Klein has carried Bibles into hostile and restricted nations all over the world. He’s been warned many times to STOP. But he continues, answering the call of God and leading teams taking the Word of God into some of the world’s hardest-to-reach places.

    Patrick is the founder and president of Vision Beyond Borders, and he’ll inspire you to think about how you value your own Bible as he shares how Christians in hostile and restricted nations treasure the Word of God, sometimes risking their lives to own or keep a copy.

    Patrick will also share how God called him into this work—in a bathroom in China—and tell inspiring stories of how God has closed the eyes of customs agents and border guards to make a way for Bibles to get through. What greater gift can we give someone, Patrick asks, than the Word of God?

    Visit the Vision Beyond Borders web site.

    Give online to support VOM’s Bible distribution efforts through The Bibles to Captive Nations Fund.

    24 MIN
  • Kidnapped in the Philippines
    Martin and Gracia Burnham were serving as missionaries in the Philippines, where Martin was a pilot with New Tribes Mission. The couple went away for a few days together to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Those few days turned into more than a year in the jungle when they were kidnapped by radical Muslim terrorists. Listen as Gracia tells how she wrestled with God and even with her own faith during those dark days of captivity, and how she experienced the prayers of God’s people, even as Martin was killed during a rescue attempt. Gracia bears witness to God’s faithfulness to the Burnhams and their children, and she gives an update on how God continues to work in the hearts of the terrorists that held them hostage. Her story will inspire you to find ways to glorify God, regardless of what challenges you may be facing. Find a VOM Advance Conference where Gracia will be speaking, and purchase Gracia's book, In the Presence of My Enemies, at VOM Books.
    31 MIN
  • Reaching Muslims: “As Christ Sees Them”

    “Dr. Andrew” returns this week to share more about what God is doing in the Middle East, including the openness of Muslims to talk about faith and hear the gospel. He’ll also share the consequences that come to those who leave Islam and follow Christ—including a first-hand story of a wealthy man who gave up everything, including his daughter, to follow Jesus. Dr. Andrew will also update us on the effect on Christians of the upheaval and war in Yemen, and ways we can pray for them. He’ll advise listeners on practical ways to start talking to Muslims in our sphere of influence about Jesus—beginning with a call for Christians to know our Bibles more deeply! You’ll be challenged to reach out and equipped to pray more effectively this week on VOM Radio.

    The two resources that Dr. Andrew recommended to help Christians better understand Islam and how to reach out to Muslims are Answering Islam: The Crescent in Light of the Cross and What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Quran. (If you order the books through these affiliate links, a small portion of the purchase price comes to VOM as a referral fee.)

    24 MIN
  • MIDDLE EAST: “I Was Terrified”
    “Dr. Andrew” is working to share the gospel in the Middle East, but he hasn’t always had a heart to share Christ’s love with Muslims. Growing up in a nominal Christian family, Andrew was harassed by Muslims his whole life. But God changed his heart and gave him a passion to share Christ’s love with Muslims. His gospel work has brought him to the attention of secret police, who have detained and questioned him many times. Andrew says each time he is detained, even though he feels fear, he also sees an opportunity to share the gospel. Listen as Andrew talks about how he overcomes the fear by focusing on the reality of Who God is rather than on his immediate surroundings. He’ll also share some of the blessings that can be found in persecution, and help us understand the mindset of Middle Eastern Muslims.
    24 MIN
  • AFGHANISTAN: God's Already At Work
    After living and working in Afghanistan for more than a decade, John Weaver is often asked, How many Christians are there in Afghanistan? The answer God has laid on John’s heart is simple: there’s not enough! But God is at work, and Afghans—both inside Afghanistan and scattered throughout the world—are coming to know Jesus Christ personally. Listen to hear how John used his marriage ceremony as a way to represent Christ inside Afghanistan, and how villagers responded to the choice by an American, Christian couple to have their wedding in isolated, Muslim Afghanistan. John also shares ways we can pray and reach out to Muslim friends and coworkers right where we live, and advice for young people feeling God’s wonderful call to overseas missions service. John is the author of two books about his work in Afghanistan: Inside Afghanistan: An American Aide Worker’s Mission of Mercy to a War-Torn People and A Flame on the Front Line. (If you order the books through these affiliate links, a small portion of the purchase price comes to VOM as a referral fee.)
    24 MIN
  • AFGHANISTAN: A Flame on the Front Line
    After 9-11, the few Americans living in Afghanistan were encouraged to leave the country, for their own safety. John Weaver stayed, feeling that the ministry God called him to there was not yet completed. Listen this week as John shares about his work in Afghanistan, and the challenge of sharing the gospel and discipling new believers in a country where there is no visible church presence, and where persecution often begins with a believer’s own family members. He’ll also share the challenge of serving God in a place where it could cost your life, and how he makes the daily decision to offer his life—to live or to die—for Christ’s service. John is the author of two books about his work in Afghanistan: Inside Afghanistan: An American Aide Worker’s Mission of Mercy to a War-Torn People and A Flame on the Front Line. (If you order the books through these affiliate links, a small portion of the purchase price comes to VOM as a referral fee.)
    24 MIN
  • SOUTH ASIA: A True Vessel
    “Brother Matthew” is a pastor and church planter in South Asia, working among Muslims to share the gospel. After threats against his life and an attack on his brother, he was encouraged by family members to leave his country. He fled to a safe place, but God clearly called him to go back to his home country, in spite of the danger. Matthew obeyed, and since his return he’s seen explosive growth in his church planting work. Matthew says persecution is something God uses to purify and unify the church, and further it’s something that every Christian should be ready to experience. Let Matthew’s story inspire you to walk boldly with Christ, and remember this week to pray for Christians in South Asia.
    24 MIN