MISSIONS: Translating Training Tools to Strengthen Pastors and the Church
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  • Tibet: “I’m with You Always”
    In one of the most-listened-to episodes of VOM Radio from 2016, “Sister Amber” shares how Christ was with her even as she was being tortured and abused in Tibet. After more than a decade in Tibet, Amber watched as God orchestrated a great ministry breakthrough: people who'd been totally closed to the gospel message were now asking to learn more about Jesus. But just days after that breakthrough Amber experienced persecution as police came pounding on her door. Listen as she tells the story, including how God ministered to her in the most painful moments of her suffering. You'll hear how God showed her that her persecution wasn't the end of the story. You'll also hear how God laid on the hearts of people around the world to pray for Amber, including one who drew a remarkably-accurate picture of Amber and the policemen in the interrogation room—and how God’s plans included those policemen. Your faith will be challenged as you hear Amber's thoughts on what the New Testament calls the "honor" of being persecuted. Listen to the complete interview with Amber here: Part One: https://secure.persecution.com/radio/default.aspx?pdid=6590 Part Two: https://secure.persecution.com/radio/default.aspx?pdid=6599
    28 MIN
  • North Korea: “No Room for Fear”
    In one of the most-listened-to episodes of VOM Radio in 2016, Australian John Short shares the story of his detention in North Korea. He was repeatedly interrogated. He was forced to write a “confession” of his “crimes,” including the offense of wanting more North Koreans to follow Jesus. But if God called him today, Short would happily go back. Mr. Short shares this week on VOM Radio how God strengthened him during his captivity, the Scriptures and earthly examples that most encouraged him, and how he managed to take a measure of control back from his captors — and even make them nervous. Mr. Short agreed to only two media interviews after his release; one of them was with The Voice of the Martyrs Radio Network. You can hear the second half of our conversation with Mr. Short in the episode “North Korea: Faith or Fear?”; also hear his wife, Karen, share about her experiences while he was detained in the episode “North Korea: ‘I Simply Trusted the Lord.’” North Korea: Faith or Fear?: https://soundcloud.com/the-voice-of-the-martyrs/north-korea-faith-or-fear North Korea: “I Simply Trusted the Lord”: https://soundcloud.com/the-voice-of-the-martyrs/north-korea-i-simply-trusted-the-lord
    28 MIN
  • Turkey: Getting Past the Fear
    “Pastor Tim” leads a church in Malatya, Turkey—a church which almost ten years ago saw three of its members martyred for their faith in Christ. This week we’ll hear how that loss affected the church and how God has moved in Malatya in exciting ways in the past 10 years. We’ll also hear an update on how one of the martyr’s families continues to serve the Lord in that city—and even to love the murderers. Tim will also update listeners on the overall situation for the church in Turkey, especially in light of recent political upheaval there, and how we can pray for that nation and for our brothers and sisters serving Christ there. Finally, he’ll share important truths about ministering and reaching out in a Muslim culture—truths that we can use as we reach out to Muslims we know.
    28 MIN
  • Persecution: “Christ Meets Them There”
    Dr. Sasan and Dr. Mehrdad are providing theological training for church leaders in Iran through PARS Theological Centre (http://www.parstheology.com/). It is a challenge even to connect with students in a closed Muslim nation, let alone train them up to lead churches and withstand persecution. Listen to hear some of the unique challenges of training leaders in the context of persecution, where Christians often wonder who they can trust. We’ll also look at some of the blessings that come to those willing to suffer rather than deny their faith in Christ, and how you can pray for the fast-growing church in Iran.
    28 MIN
  • Missions: “You Can Do This!”
    “Steve” and “Mai” left behind the American Dream to serve God in Southeast Asia—a place Mai had left decades before as a refugee and said she’d never return to. But God began to call them, and Steve and Mai submitted to His will. It wasn’t easy, especially leaving children and grandchildren in the United States to move to Asia. But as God opened each new door, Steve and Mai said “yes” to His plan. God led them to set up a simple recording studio with used equipment they purchased on eBay. Steve went online and taught himself basic audio editing skills. Today they are producing Christian radio programs and Christian music in the language of Mai’s tribal people; Steve edits the programs even though he doesn’t speak Mai’s tribal language. Steve and Mai’s story will inspire and encourage you that when God calls, He will always provide what is needed to accomplish His plans if we’re willing to say “yes,” and take the next step. What door is God asking YOU to walk through for His Kingdom? You can connect with Steve and Mai’s work in Southeast Asia at www.AheadHillTribes.com.
    28 MIN
  • “All Over the Muslim World”
    Ali Sassi is a Tunisian man who always accepts a challenge. So when a Christian friend challenged him to demonstrate when and how the Bible had been changed (which nearly all Muslims believe has happened), Ali accepted the challenge. He figured he’d read the Bible for an evening and be able to demonstrate the changes. Instead he spent two years reading and studying, and at the end of that time he was convinced that the Bible had NOT been changed, and that Jesus IS the Son of God. His decision to follow Christ was costly as even his own family turned against him. Today Ali works with Crescent Project to help train Christians to reach out boldly to Muslims—the same way a Christian reached out to him. His story will inspire you to pray for and reach out to share Jesus’s love with those around you.
    28 MIN
  • Hannelie: “Peace Came Over Me”

    In the second half of our conversation, Hannelie Groenewald recalls the day her husband and two teen-aged children were killed by the Taliban in Afghanistan.

    She tells us which Psalm she read over and over again as she waited to hear whether her family was alive or dead, and the amazement of Afghans at her ability to forgive the Taliban murderers. Hannelie shares hard-earned truth with listeners who may be struggling to forgive someone who has wronged them, and talks about her future and God’s faithfulness as she is finding her footing after the loss of her family and seeking God’s plan for her in the coming years.

    She’ll also equip us to pray more effectively for the nation of Afghanistan and for our Christian brothers and sisters there. You can watch a video telling the story of Hannelie and her family, which was produced by VOM for the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.

    Please share this video with your church family or other Christian friends.

    28 MIN
  • Hannelie: “God Prepared Me”
    When Hannelie Groenewald and her family left their comfortable home in South Africa to serve on the front lines in Afghanistan, they knew the danger. But God’s call was clear, and they went in spite of the risk. Hannelie became not only wife and mom, but also teacher and doctor and cook in a country that isn’t known for welcoming foreigners—especially women. As time passed, God strengthened her faith, even if He didn’t answer all her questions or prayers. She didn’t know the extent of the sacrifice her family would be called to make, and in fact says she wasn’t strong enough to make such a sacrifice. But God prepared her, even in the days and weeks immediately before the murder of her husband and children, to stand strong in the face of suffering and persecution. Hannelie’s inspiring testimony will challenge you to consider what you’re willing to risk to share God’s love in an increasingly hostile world. Request a DVD or download the video telling the story of Hannelie and her family, which was produced by VOM for this year’s International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Please share this video with your church family or other Christian friends. https://secure.persecution.com/idop/default.aspx?source=VOMRADIONT
    28 MIN
  • Missions: “Are You Willing to Be Willing?”
    “Bob” and “Kasey” were living the “American Dream.” Bob retired from a good job, but in retirement he began to experience what he calls a “Holy discontent.” He felt God calling him to lay everything on the altar. Bob and Kasey began to pray, committing themselves to do whatever God asked of them. Today they are ministering in Central Asia, training believers to dig deep into the Scripture and to reach more people for Christ. Yes, there have been sacrifices. But they say Jesus is worth every sacrifice they’ve made as they share the joy and excitement they are finding in serving Him and serving people in His name in Central Asia. Bob and Kasey challenge us to think about what God may be asking of us, and remind us that we’re never too old to make an impact for Christ’s Kingdom. Listen also to learn more about this year’s International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church and how you can get a free video to share with your church body to encourage them to pray for persecuted Christians around the world. https://secure.persecution.com/idop/default.aspx?source=VOMRADIONT
    28 MIN
  • Iran: “It’s Love that Preaches”
    God is at work in Iran! Nazanin works in a call center for Mohabat TV, one of our VOM partners broadcasting the gospel into Iran and surrounding nations via satellite TV and internet. Each day Nazanin and her team take calls from inside Iran. Many are from Muslims who want to know more about Jesus and even commit their lives to following Him. Other callers are Muslims who want to argue against the Christian message or convert the call center workers back to Islam. Some are even threatening and angry. Listen as Nazanin shares the story of a policeman who picked up the phone in the home of a Christian he’d come to arrest—and how God used that phone call to plant the seeds of the gospel in his life! Nazanin will give American Christians advice on how to reach Muslims in our country, and specific ways that we can pray for God’s work in Iran. You’ll be inspired by what God is doing in Iran, this week on VOM Radio.
    28 MIN
  • Muslim Ministry: “When We Pray”
    “There is something astounding happening right now” in the Muslim world, says Jami Staples, Director of Women’s Training for Crescent Project (http://www.crescentproject.org). Muslims are coming to know Jesus Christ! Not just a few, but thousands! Listen this week as Jami shares the story of an American woman reaching out electronically to Muslim women living in a restricted nation. Hear how God is working among Muslims—even through the miraculous—and how Christians simply living out their lives and their love of Jesus can make a huge impact on Muslim friends looking on. We’ll also hear how persecution is a reality for Muslim converts—even in free nations like the US or those in Western Europe—and a special call to reach out to refugees who’ve lost everything in their own country. Grow your heart for Muslims and lengthen your prayer list, this week on VOM Radio.
    28 MIN
  • “Love Opens Every Door”

    “Love Opens Every Door”

    September 23, 2016
    Jami Staples works with Crescent Project (http://www.crescentproject.org) to train American women to reach out to Muslims—right here in the US. Listen as she shares how God grabbed her heart for Muslim women, using a veiled woman whose name she’ll never know walking across an East-African roundabout. In just a moment, God changed Jami’s heart and life forever. What are the two themes Jami hears in every testimony of a Muslim woman coming to faith in Jesus? You’ll hear stories of women who even in recent months have opened their hearts to Jesus, and the price they must pay to follow Him—even in America. You’ll be inspired to go deeper in your own faith and to look with love on Muslims in your community this week on VOM Radio.
    29 MIN
  • Middle East: “We Have to Apply What Jesus Said”
    “Brother Sam” is a gospel worker in the Middle East, where part of his ministry is reaching out with help to refugees displaced by ISIS from Iraq and Syria. By helping with practical needs—shelter, education, medical aid—Brother Sam and other Christians have the opportunity to share the gospel and introduce Muslim refugees to Jesus Christ. Such work comes with risk and threats, but Sam tells us that persecution creates “a healthy environment for the Lord to work.” And God is working! Listen this week to hear stories of divine healing, Muslims coming to faith and Christians passionately reaching out in the name of Jesus. Your faith will be inspired!
    28 MIN
  • Middle East: “God Is Shaking Things Up”
    “Brother James” works to reach Muslims and train believers to plant churches in the Middle East, a place where choosing to follow Christ comes with a high cost. This week he shares with us how God is shaking things up in that region—both inside the church and inside the hearts of Muslims—to spread the gospel and draw more Muslims to Christ. James will also share the challenges of his work, and how he and his Operation Mobilization coworkers identify those God is calling to the difficult, sometimes dangerous work of planting churches in that Islamic region. The Middle East is beset by bloodshed and hardship, but James tells us God is redeeming even evil activities in the region to advance His Kingdom. Be ready to add to your prayer list and to consider how you can reach out to Muslims in your city, this week on VOM Radio. Photo credit: “Librarian” by Michal Huniewicz is licensed under CC BY 2.0 https://www.flickr.com/photos/m1key-me/14764185168/
    28 MIN
  • China: We Are Light and Salt

    Bob Fu is a former prisoner for Christ in China. He is also the founder and president of the China Aid Association and one of the most knowledgeable and widely-heard voices speaking out on behalf of persecuted Christians in China. This week Bob will share with us about an ongoing crackdown against Christians and churches in China, a crackdown that includes Christians in prison, church buildings destroyed and even Christian children prevented from pursuing their education. But Bob will share good news, too: in the midst of that persecution, God is at work. One fruit of the current campaign against the church is a newfound unity among believers from different backgrounds and denominations. Bob will also share an update about Gao Zhisheng, a Christian human rights attorney who has been terribly abused and persecuted, but has found God faithful even in the depths of human suffering. Finally, we’ll hear an update on brand new developments in the case against Asia Bibi in Pakistan.

    Click below to order a copy of Bob’s outstanding book, “God’s Double Agent."

    28 MIN
  • Reaching Muslims: “Love Always takes the Initiative”
    “Brother Mark” works among Christians in the Middle East and North Africa, training new believers and equipping them to reach out and win Muslims to Christ. This week he’ll share stories of what new believers face after leaving Islam—often starting with persecution from their own families. He’ll talk about witnessing to Muslims and equip listeners to answer some of the questions Muslims may ask about Christianity and the Bible. Finally, Mark will talk specifically about some of the nations of North Africa, including updates on Christians in Egypt and Mauritania, and how we can pray for Christians all across that region.
    30 MIN
  • Laos: “I’m Willing to Die”
    Her husband was the village police chief, the man responsible to make sure no more people in the village became Christians. And now she had chosen to follow Christ! Her husband pressured her to renounce her faith; then he beat her. Then he threatened her life. “I’m willing to die,” she answered. That’s just one of the stories you’ll hear this week from Brother Sionh, the voice of the Khmu Christian radio broadcast in Southeast Asia. He’ll also share the great need for leaders within the rapidly-growing Khmu church and how VOM is helping equip and train new leaders to meet that need. Finally we’ll hear how we can pray for Laos and for our brothers and sisters there. Watch the video Brother Sionh refers to telling the story of one imprisoned Laotian believer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFEvc60mABA
    28 MIN
  • Turkey: “This Is Our Reality”
    Imagine seeing three of your best friends murdered for their faith in Christ. Brother Gokhan experienced that loss, living in Malatya where three Christians—all part of his church—were murdered. Today Gokhan is a part of Sat-7 TURK, sharing the gospel across the nation via satellite television. He tells us that risk is a part of sharing the gospel in Turkey. “We need to be sacrifice people,” he says. But he reminds us that the power to endure persecution doesn’t come from us, it comes from God. Listen this week to learn more about what recent political turmoil in Turkey means for the church and how you can be praying for our brothers and sisters in that nation.
    30 MIN
  • VOM Interns: “A Daily Choice”
    Julia and Sam are two of the college students who served as interns this summer at VOM. Listen in as they share some of their experiences, and what they’ve learned—both professionally and spiritually—during their two months of service. How will they be different when they go back to their college campuses? What have their duties been at VOM, and what did they learn about VOM’s ministry that surprised them? We’ll also share details about VOM’s intern program for next year, and how to apply if God is nudging you toward service as an intern at VOM.
    28 MIN
  • Eritrea: How Do We Understand the Cross?
    Dr. Berhane spent 11 months in prison for his Christian faith and work; he watched friends and fellow prisoners led away to execution. But he also saw God’s hand at work as fellow prisoners accepted the gospel message and turned their hearts toward Christ. Dr. Berhane tells us what God taught him through dark days of suffering and how he prepared himself to face persecution. Finally, he’ll update listeners on the current situation for believers in Eritrea and share specific ways to pray for that African nation.
    28 MIN